我在我的项目中使用UISpec进行自动化测试。在 Apple 发布带有 iOS 6 SDK 的 xCode 4.5 之前,一切都很好。现在 UISpec 项目无法编译,因为 UITouch 类中的错误列表。这是代码:

//  TouchSynthesis.m
//  SelfTesting
//  Created by Matt Gallagher on 23/11/08.
//  Copyright 2008 Matt Gallagher. All rights reserved.
//  Permission is given to use this source code file, free of charge, in any
//  project, commercial or otherwise, entirely at your risk, with the condition
//  that any redistribution (in part or whole) of source code must retain
//  this copyright and permission notice. Attribution in compiled projects is
//  appreciated but not required.

@implementation UITouch (Synthesize)

// initInView:phase:
// Creats a UITouch, centered on the specified view, in the view's window.
// Sets the phase as specified.
- (id)initInView:(UIView *)view
    self = [super init];
    if (self != nil)
        CGRect frameInWindow;
        if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIWindow class]])
            frameInWindow = view.frame;
            frameInWindow =
            [view.window convertRect:view.frame fromView:view.superview];

        _tapCount = 1;
        _locationInWindow =
                    frameInWindow.origin.x + 0.5 * frameInWindow.size.width,
                    frameInWindow.origin.y + 0.5 * frameInWindow.size.height);
        _previousLocationInWindow = _locationInWindow;

        UIView *target = [view.window hitTest:_locationInWindow withEvent:nil];

        _window = [view.window retain];
        _view = [target retain];
        _phase = UITouchPhaseBegan;
        _touchFlags._firstTouchForView = 1;
        _touchFlags._isTap = 1;
        _timestamp = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
    return self;

// setPhase:
// Setter to allow access to the _phase member.
- (void)setPhase:(UITouchPhase)phase
    _phase = phase;
    _timestamp = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];

// setPhase:
// Setter to allow access to the _locationInWindow member.
- (void)setLocationInWindow:(CGPoint)location
    _previousLocationInWindow = _locationInWindow;
    _locationInWindow = location;
    _timestamp = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];


编译器在“_tapCount = 1;”之类的行上给出错误 错误是“未知类型名称“_tapCount”;您的意思是......?”


  1. 使用运行时函数“class_copyIvarList”获取 UITouch 类的实例变量列表,并检查这些变量是否仍然存在。他们是这样。
  2. 试图在运行时更改所需的值,例如

    uint uPhase = UITouchPhaseBegin; object_setInstanceVariable(self, "_phase", &uPhase);


Ivar var = class_getInstanceVariable([self class], "_phase");
object_setIvar(self, var, [NSNumber numberWithInt:UITouchPhaseBegin]);

在这两种情况下,都将无效值写入“_phase”成员。我通过将 UITouch 实例的描述打印到控制台来检查这一点。它被写成“阶段:未知”。


[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"tapCount"];
[self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:UITouchPhaseBegin] forKey:@"phase"];

现在它给出了一些结果。编译错误被消除,UITouch 实例的成员值被改变但仍然没有任何反应。我在适当的 UI 对象(在我的例子中是 UIButton)的“touchesBegan:...”和“touchesEnded:...”方法中设置断点并调试它。这些方法被调用,但没有任何反应 - 按钮处理程序未被调用。

同样由于 KVC,我不得不注释 UITouch 类别的方法“setPhase”和“setLocationInWindow”,否则会发生无休止的递归。属性的 setter 调用自身。

现在我没有想法了。此类别是“由 Matt Gallagher 于 2008 年 11 月 23 日创建。”,这意味着它是 UISpec 的第三方代码。所以我希望它在除 UISpec 之外的其他地方使用,并且有人知道解决方法。




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您不必更改 UIQuery.m 文件中的任何内容。请将以下代码行添加到 UIQuery.h 文件:

#ifdef __IPHONE_6_0
@interface UITouch () {
    NSTimeInterval _timestamp;
    UITouchPhase _phase;
    UITouchPhase _savedPhase;
    NSUInteger _tapCount;

    UIWindow *_window;
    UIView *_view;
    UIView *_gestureView;
    UIView *_warpedIntoView;
    NSMutableArray *_gestureRecognizers;
    NSMutableArray *_forwardingRecord;

    CGPoint _locationInWindow;
    CGPoint _previousLocationInWindow;
    UInt8 _pathIndex;
    UInt8 _pathIdentity;
    float _pathMajorRadius;
    struct {
        unsigned int _firstTouchForView:1;
        unsigned int _isTap:1;
        unsigned int _isDelayed:1;
        unsigned int _sentTouchesEnded:1;
        unsigned int _abandonForwardingRecord:1;
    } _touchFlags;


于 2012-10-09T20:32:36.623 回答