我需要使用 lotusscript 从网页中读取字段值。本质上,我打算编写一个代理来访问特定的 URL,从页面中获取一个值,然后将该值用于它发送给用户的 url。




3 回答 3


2019 年 12 月更新:从 Notes 10(2018 年发布)开始,有一个 NotesHTTPRequest 类与我的代码完全相同。

我一直这样做,一点也不难(在 Windows 上)。我创建了一个类来做到这一点,所以它很容易实现。


Dim internet As New RemoteHTML()
Dim html As String
html = internet.GetHTTP("http://www.texasswede.com/mypage.html")

就是这样,现在您只需从 html 字符串中提取您想要的任何信息。


Option Public
Option Declare

Class RemoteHTML
    Private httpObject As Variant
    Public httpStatus As Integer

    Public Sub New()
        Set httpObject = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    End Sub

    Public Function GetHTTP(httpURL As String) As String
        Dim retries As Integer
        retries = 0     
            If retries>1 Then
                Sleep 1     ' After the two first calls, introduce a 1 second delay betwen each additional call
            End If
            retries = retries + 1   
            Call httpObject.open("GET", httpURL, False)
            Call httpObject.send()
            httpStatus = httpObject.Status
            If retries >= 10 Then
                httpStatus = 0  ' Timeout
            End If
        Loop Until httpStatus = 200 Or httpStatus > 500 Or httpStatus = 404  Or httpStatus = 0
        If httpStatus = 200 Then
            GetHTTP = Left$(httpObject.responseText,16000)
            GetHTTP = ""
        End If
    End Function

    Public Function GetFile(httpURL As String, filename As String) As Boolean
        Dim session As New NotesSession
        Dim retries As Integer
        Dim stream As NotesStream
        Dim flag As Boolean
        Dim responsebody As variant
        Dim cnt As Long
        Dim buffer As String
        Dim tmp As Byte

        Set stream = session.CreateStream
        retries = 0     
            If retries>1 Then
                Sleep 1     ' After the two first calls, introduce a 1 second delay betwen each additional call
            End If
            retries = retries + 1   
            Call httpObject.open("GET", httpURL, False)
            Call httpObject.send()
            httpStatus = httpObject.Status
            If retries >= 10 Then
                httpStatus = 0  ' Timeout
            End If
        Loop Until httpStatus = 200 Or httpStatus > 500 Or httpStatus = 404  Or httpStatus = 0
        If httpStatus = 200 Then
            flag = stream.Open(filename, "binary")
            If flag = False Then
                MsgBox "Failed to create " & filename & "..."
                GetFile = False 
                Exit function
            End If
            responsebody = httpObject.ResponseBody
            ForAll r in responsebody
                tmp = r
                Call Stream.Write(Chr$(CInt(tmp)))
                cnt = cnt + 1
            End ForAll
            MsgBox cnt
            GetFile = True
            GetFile = False
        End If

    End Function

    Private Function getString(ByVal StringBin As string)
        Dim intCount As Long
        getString =""
        For intCount = 1 To LenB(StringBin)
            getString = getString & Chr( Asc(MidB(StringBin, intCount, 1)) )
    End Function

End Class
于 2012-10-05T14:28:06.193 回答

如果您的代码将在 Windows 上运行,您可以使用 WinHTTP 或 XMLHTTP COM 类来读取网页。如果代码将在任何其他平台上运行,则最好使用 Java 而不是 LotusScript。

于 2012-10-04T11:19:52.630 回答

如果您尝试从 NotesField 中读取,则可以采用以下方法。创建 Tha 类是为了专门处理将 RichText 项导出到 html 字符串中,以便找到可能存在于 NotesRichText 项中的其他隐藏的嵌入图像(粘贴的图形)。函数 ExportDoc() 将 html 响应文本复制到手头文档的用户定义字段中:

Public Class RTExporter
    session As NotesSession
    db As NotesDatabase
    doc As NotesDocument
    obj As Variant
    url As String

    Public Sub New()
        Set Me.session = New NotesSession()
        Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
        Set obj = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    End Sub

    ' Handles export from eventual NotesRichTextitems in the form of HTml
    Public Function ExportDoc(hostUrl As String, doc As NotesDocument, rtFieldName As String, htmlFieldName As String)
        Dim htmlString As String    

        url = hostUrl & Me.db.FilePath & "/0/" & doc.Universalid & "/" & rtFieldname & "?openfield&charset=utf-8        

        Set Me.doc = doc    

        htmlString = GetHtmlFromField(htmlFieldName)

        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(htmlFieldName, htmlString)

        Call doc.Save(True, False)
    End Function

    ' Get http response text and store it in <fieldname>
    Private Function GetHtmlFromField(rtFieldName As String) As String
        Dim html As String      

        On Error Goto ERH

        obj.open "GET", Me.url, False, "", ""


        GetHtmlFromField = Trim$(obj.responseText)

        Exit Function
        GetHtmlFromField = "Error " & Err & ": " & Error & " occured on line: " & Erl
    End Function

End Class
于 2014-09-19T08:56:56.303 回答