我有一个正在处理的程序,主线程在其中初始化一个侦听器线程以侦听与 serverSocket 的传入连接
* run - this will set up the server so that it is ready to listen.
public void run( serverVariables servVar, storageManager writer, storageVariables write, CoreVariables coreVar, serverFunctions serv, SQLFunctions SQL, SQLvariables SQLvar, netFunctions conn, netVariables netVar) {
ControlFunctions cntrl = new ControlFunctions();
util.doCommand("ifconfig eth0 " + servVar.ip);
ListenerThread listen = new ListenerThread(servVar, coreVar, writer, serv, write, SQL, SQLvar, util);
try {
servVar.servSocket = new ServerSocket(servVar.port);
cntrl.getInput(util, clr.YELLOW, SQL, SQLvar, listen, conn, netVar);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Could not read input stream");
然后等待来自服务器管理员的输入(在 cntrl.getInput() 中)。这一切都很好,但是我试图从 getInput 实现的主要功能是“halt”,它应该检查没有连接,然后停止侦听器及其本身。
package server;
import java.io.IOException;
import net.netFunctions;
import net.netVariables;
import core.CoreVariables;
import utl.utilFunctions;
import utl.color;
import server.serverVariables;
import store.storageManager;
import store.storageVariables;
import conn.SQLFunctions;
import conn.SQLvariables;
public class ListenerThread extends Thread {
color clr = new color();
CoreVariables coreVar = new CoreVariables();
utilFunctions util = new utilFunctions();
netVariables netVar = new netVariables();
storageManager writer = new storageManager();
netFunctions conn = new netFunctions();
storageVariables write = new storageVariables();
serverFunctions serv = new serverFunctions();
serverVariables servVar = new serverVariables();
SQLFunctions SQL = new SQLFunctions();
SQLvariables SQLvar = new SQLvariables();
message msg = new message();
public ListenerThread(serverVariables servVar, CoreVariables coreVar,
storageManager writer, serverFunctions serv,
storageVariables write, SQLFunctions SQL, SQLvariables SQLvar,
utilFunctions util) {
this.coreVar = coreVar;
this.util = util;
this.writer = writer;
this.write = write;
this.serv = serv;
this.servVar = servVar;
this.SQL = SQL;
this.SQLvar = SQLvar;
public void run() {
util.outColored("Listener thread started", clr.CYAN);
while (true) {
try {
new ConnectionThread(clr.GREEN, servVar.servSocket.accept(),
coreVar, util, writer, write, serv, servVar, SQL,
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Failed to accept");
和 haltServer 功能:
private boolean haltServer(SQLFunctions SQL, SQLvariables SQLvar, utilFunctions util, String color, ListenerThread listen, netFunctions conn, netVariables netVar) {
Socket s = null;
boolean success = false;
String result = null;
int count = 0;
//check for open connections
SQL.doQuery("SELECT * FROM Clients WHERE Status != 0", SQLvar);
try {
while(SQLvar.resultSet.next()) {
result = SQLvar.resultSet.getString("ClientID");
util.outColored("Client " + result + " is still connected", color);
if(count == 0) {
success = true;
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
}catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return success;
我知道 stop 已贬值,并考虑使用 interupted() 作为标志,但由于 serverSocket.accept() 调用,我认为这不会起作用。