我是一个完整的代码菜鸟,需要帮助为 Salesforce 中的触发器编写测试类。任何帮助将不胜感激。
trigger UpdateWonAccounts on Opportunity(before Update) {
Set < Id > accountIds = new Set < Id > ();
//Collect End user Ids which has won Opportunities
for (Opportunity o : Trigger.new) {
if (o.isWon && o.EndUserAccountName__c != null) {
List < Account > lstAccount = new List < Account > ();
//Iterate and collect all the end user records
for (Account a : [Select Id, Status__c From Account where Id IN : accountIds]) {
lstAccount.add(new Account(Id = a.Id, Status__c = true));
//If there are any accounts then update the records
if (!lstAccount.isEmpty()) {
update lstAccount;