date <- seq(as.Date("2012-09-01"), Sys.Date(), 1)
id <- rep(c("a","b","c","d"), 8)
bdate <- seq(as.Date("2012-08-01"), as.Date("2012-11-01"), 1)[sample(1:32, 32)]
# The end date should be random but greater than the begin date. However, I set it to 15 days later for simplicity.
edate <- bdate + 15
value <- seq(1, 1000, 1)[sample(1:1000, 32)]
dfa <- data.frame(id, value, bdate, edate)
names(dfa) <- c("ID", "Value", "Begin.Date", "End.Date")
目标是按以下方式按 ID(即“a”、“b”或“c”)对所有观察值求和:
Date a b c
2012-08-01 XXX YYY ZZZ
2012-08-02 XXX YYY ZZZ
2012-08-03 XXX YYY ZZZ
对于每个 ID,值 XXX、YYY 和 ZZZ 表示所有观察值的总和,其中“日期”列上的日期介于原始数据框上的 dfa$Begin.Date 和 dfa$End.Date 之间。
# Create additional data frame
dfb <- data.frame(seq(as.Date("2012-08-01"), as.Date("2012-11-01"), 1))
names(dfb)[1] <- "Date"
# Variable for unique IDs
nid <- unique(dfa$ID)
# Number of total IDs
tid <- length(nid)
for (i in c(1:tid))
sums <- vapply(dfb$Date, function(x)
temp <- subset(dfa, dfa$ID == nid[i])
temp <- subset(temp, temp$Begin.Date < x & temp$End.Date > x)
res <- sum(temp$Value)
}, FUN.VALUE = 0.1
dfb[1+i] <- sums
# Change column names to ID
names(dfb) <- c("Date", as.character(nid))