我有动态加载的图像,不能大于 115px。我从外部来源获得它们,所以我无法控制它。
$list = getimagesize($imagePath);
$width = $list[0];
$height = $list[1];
但现在如果它们大于 115px,我需要调整大小。试过这个,但它没有保持比例:
$height = round(($height * $width) / $width);
$max_height = 115;
if ($height > $max_height)
$scale = $max_height / $height;
$height = intval($height * $scale);
$width = intval($width * $scale);
如果高度和宽度必须小于 115 ,以下是更通用的形式:
$max_size = 115;
if (max($height, $width) > $max_size)
$scale = $max_size / max($height, $width);
$height = intval($height * $scale);
$width = intval($width * $scale);
这保证了图像的最大尺寸(高度或宽度)不会大于 115。
If you mean they can't be larger than 115x115. The process you'd have to go by is something like:
If wider than 115, set width to be 115px and height = height/original_width * 115;
I have some code from an image uploader script which does this
list($Width, $Height) = getimagesize($row["img_file"]);
if(($Width > $Height) && ($Width > 115))
$Height = ceil(($Height / $Width) * 115) ;
$Width = 115;
elseif(($Height > $Width) && ($Height > 115))
$Width = ceil(($Width / $Height)* 115);
$Height = 115;
elseif(($Height > 115) && ($Height == $Width))
$Height = 115;
$Width = 115;
After you have the correct dimensions you can resize the image using imagecreatefromjpeg/png/gif and then imagecopyresampled.
Another section of code from the image upload script which resized images from URLs using the calculated dimensions
if ($extension == "png")
$image = imagecreatefrompng($URLofImage)or die("Width Of Image: ".$widthofImage." Height Of Image: ".$heightofImage." Height: ".$height." Width: ".$width);
$image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($widthofImage, $heightofImage)or die("Width Of Image: ".$widthofImage." Height Of Image: ".$heightofImage." Height: ".$height." Width: ".$width);
imagealphablending($image_p, false);
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_p, 0, 0, 0, 0);
imagesavealpha($image_p, true);
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($URLofImage);
imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $widthofImage, $heightofImage, $width, $height);
imagepng($image_p, "./images/thumbs/".$name, 9);
return ("./images/thumbs/".$name);
根据您的最低浏览器要求,并且这确实适用于 HTML 输出,您可以在 html 中处理它,并为自己节省一些处理。
<img alt='image alt' src='imagesrc' style='max-width:115px; max-height:115px; height:auto; width:auto;' />
$max_width = 115;
$max_height = 115;
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imagePath);
$ratioh = $max_height/$height;
$ratiow = $max_width/$width;
$ratio = min($ratioh, $ratiow);
// New dimensions
$width = intval($ratio * $width);
$height = intval($ratio * $height);
$比率= $宽度/$高度;
如果你有这样的图像:100x200 像素,你的比例是1/2。如果您想要一个高度为 20 像素的图像,则宽度应为 10 像素。
$newHeight = 20;
$newWidth = round($newHeight * $ratio); //给你10
还可以说您想将宽度设为 10px,只需使用它来查找新宽度:
$newWidth = 10;
$newHeight = round($newWidth / $ratio);
因此,您应该至少指定一个边长,然后 ratio 将帮助您找到另一边。