自 10 版以来,PB 支持 unicode (utf-16le)。所以遗留Len()
你确定你得到了一些 utf-16le 编码吗?给定以下函数,如果您使用 调用它,它会在包含您的数据的字符串上返回什么hexdump_blob(blob(your_string))
具有十六进制显示(类似于十六进制编辑器)的 blob 内容的新全局函数的源代码中。
global type hexdump_blob from function_object
end type
forward prototypes
global function string hexdump_blob (blob abl_data, boolean ab_fill_lastline)
end prototypes
global function string hexdump_blob (blob abl_data, boolean ab_fill_lastline);//hexify a blob content
string ls_tohex = "0123456789ABCDEF"
string ls_msg = "", ls_line, ls_binary
long i, j, length
byte b
string ls_fill
if isnull( abl_data ) then return ""
if ab_fill_lastline then
ls_fill = " __"
ls_fill = " "
end if
length = len( abl_data )
for i = 1 to length
GetByte( abl_data, i, b )
ls_line += mid( ls_tohex, 1+ mod(int(b/16),16), 1)
ls_line += mid( ls_tohex, 1+ mod(b,16), 1)
ls_line += " "
ls_binary += string( iif(b>31 and b<128,char(b)," "))
if mod(i,16) = 0 and i > 0 then
ls_binary = replaceall( ls_binary, "~r", "·") //no cr/lf
ls_binary = replaceall( ls_binary, "~n", "·")
ls_binary = replaceall( ls_binary, "~t", "·")
ls_msg += "[" + string( i - 16, "0000") + "] " + ls_line + "~t" + ls_binary + "~r~n"
ls_line = ""
ls_binary = ""
end if
i -- // i - 1 due to the last loop in for
ls_line += fill(ls_fill, 3 * ( 16 - mod(i, 16) ) )
ls_msg += "[" + string( i - mod(i,16), "0000") + "] " + ls_line + "~t" + ls_binary
return ls_msg
end function
global type replaceall from function_object
end type
forward prototypes
global function string replaceall (string as_source, string as_pattern, string as_replace)
end prototypes
global function string replaceall (string as_source, string as_pattern, string as_replace);//remplace toute les occurences de as_pattern de as_source par as_replace
string ls_target
long i, j
i = 1
j = 1
i = pos( as_source, as_pattern, j )
if i>0 then
ls_target += mid( as_source, j, i - j )
ls_target += as_replace
j = i + len( as_pattern )
ls_target += mid( as_source, j )
end if
loop while i>0
return ls_target
end function
模拟 C 三元运算符或 Visual Basic iif() 的
global type iif from function_object
end type
forward prototypes
global function any iif (boolean ab_cond, any aa_true, any aa_false)
end prototypes
global function any iif (boolean ab_cond, any aa_true, any aa_false);
// simulates the VB iif or C ternary operator
if ab_cond then
return aa_true
return aa_false
end if
end function