实际上,如果代码是一次删除一条记录的实现,这应该不是问题。但是,这个删除代码是为了删除多条记录,以我的技能,我无法弄清楚如何添加另一个更新 Sql 命令。所以你能帮帮我吗?非常感谢。
call navigation
url = main_area & "?" & "page=" & page_current
return_page = "../backend/" & url
req_status = request("type")
if req_status = "restore" then
req_status = False
req_status = True
end if
record = request("bill_id")
timestamp = now()
record = trim(record)
if len(record) > 3 then ' multiple records was selected
arrVals = split(record,",")
strSql = ""
strSql = strSql & "DELETE * FROM tbl_bill_total WHERE "
for i = 0 to ubound(arrVals)
if i = 0 then
strSql = strSql & "bill_id IN ("& trim(arrVals(i)) & " "
strSql = strSql & ","& trim(arrVals(i)) & ""
end if
strSql = strSql & ") "
strSql2 = strSql2 & "DELETE * FROM tbl_order WHERE "
for t = 0 to ubound(arrVals)
if t = 0 then
strSql2 = strSql2 & " tbl_order.bill_id IN ("& trim(arrVals(t)) & " "
strSql2 = strSql2 & ","& trim(arrVals(t)) & ""
end if
strSql2 = strSql2 & "); "
strSql = "DELETE * FROM tbl_bill_total WHERE bill_id=" & record & " "
strSql2 = "DELETE * FROM tbl_order WHERE bill_id =" & record & " "
end if
Call DBConnOpen()
Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
response.write strSql
conn.Execute strSql
conn.Execute strSql2
Call DBConnClose()
response.redirect return_page
这是我要添加的 SQL 语句。由于它需要 pd_id 执行,我认为这应该在执行上述 SQL 语句之前执行。
Set rsOrder = conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE bill_id = " & record & "" )
pd_id = rsOrder.fields.item("pd_id")
od_qty = rsOrder.fields.item("od_qty")
Set rsInventory = conn.Execute("UPDATE tbl_inventory SET inv_qty_act = inv_qty_act + " & od_qty & ", inv_date = " & date() & " WHERE pd_id = '" & pd_id & "'" )
现在使用@John 提供的解决方案,它可以将选择的一个/多个记录的数量更新回数据库。
Call DBConnOpen()
Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
call navigation
url = main_area & "?" & "page=" & page_current
return_page = "../backend/" & url
req_status = request("type")
if req_status = "restore" then
req_status = False
req_status = True
end if
record = request("bill_id")
timestamp = now()
record = trim(record)
if len(record) > 3 then ' multiple records was selected
arrVals = split(record,",")
strSql = ""
strSql = strSql & "DELETE * FROM tbl_bill_total WHERE "
for i = 0 to ubound(arrVals)
if i = 0 then
strSql = strSql & "bill_id IN ("& trim(arrVals(i)) & " "
strSql = strSql & ","& trim(arrVals(i)) & ""
end if
strSql = strSql & ") "
strSql2 = strSql2 & "DELETE * FROM tbl_order WHERE "
for t = 0 to ubound(arrVals)
Set rsOrder = conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE bill_id = " & arrVals(t) & "")
pd_id = rsOrder.fields.item("pd_id")
od_qty = rsOrder.fields.item("od_qty")
od_qty = DzToPcs(od_qty)
conn.Execute("UPDATE tbl_inventory SET inv_qty_act = inv_qty_act + " & od_qty & ", inv_date = " & date() & " WHERE pd_id = '" & pd_id & "'" )
if t = 0 then
strSql2 = strSql2 & " tbl_order.bill_id IN ("& trim(arrVals(t)) & " "
strSql2 = strSql2 & ","& trim(arrVals(t)) & ""
end if
strSql2 = strSql2 & "); "
' response.Write "strSql3 = " & strSql3
Set rsOrder = conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM tbl_order WHERE bill_id = " & record & " ")
pd_id = rsOrder.fields.item("pd_id")
od_qty = rsOrder.fields.item("od_qty")
od_qty = DzToPcs(od_qty)
conn.Execute("UPDATE tbl_inventory SET inv_qty_act = inv_qty_act + " & od_qty & ", inv_date = date() WHERE pd_id = '" & pd_id & "'" )
strSql = "DELETE * FROM tbl_bill_total WHERE bill_id=" & record & " "
strSql2 = "DELETE * FROM tbl_order WHERE bill_id =" & record & " "
end if
'Call DBConnOpen() --> move to top line
'Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") --> move to top line
'response.write strSql2
conn.Execute strSql
conn.Execute strSql2
Call DBConnClose()
response.redirect return_page