我终于开发了一个类来做这个确切的事情:它接受任何 XML 文档并创建一个具有“数组/对象”配置的 CSV。
* This class converts a multidimentional XML file into a CSV file.
* First XML level are distinct CSV lines
* Last XML level are values
* Path from the first to the last XML levels are CSV column names.
* @todo May be conflicts with XML nodes with names finishing by [n].
* => Case <x>test</x><x>test</x><x[0]>test</x[0]>
* will generate 2 times x[0] on CSV file.
* @author ninsuo <ninsuo at gmail dot com>
class Xml2Csv
* An array that looks like :
* array(
* 'simple.name' => stdClass(
* ->names => array('real.name[0]', 'real.name[1]', ...)
* ->positions => array('position-in-rows-1', 'position-in-rows-2', ...)
* ),
* ...
* )
* Allow us to create dynamic column names according to
* content disposition.
* @access private
* @var array
private $columnNames;
* Rows of CSV file
* @access private
* @var array
private $rows;
* Current row number
* @access private
* @var int
private $rowNumber;
public function convert($xmlSource, $csvTarget)
$this->_checkSourceAndTarget($xmlSource, $csvTarget);
$tree = new SimpleXMLIterator($xmlSource, 0, true);
catch (Exception $e)
throw new Exception("Can't load XML : " . $e->getMessage());
* Checks if $source file exists and is readable.
* Checks if $target file is writable
* @access private
* @param string $source
* @param string $target
* @throws Exception
private function _checkSourceAndTarget($source, $target)
if ((!is_file($source)) || (!is_readable($source)))
throw new Exception("Source file does not exist or is not readable.");
if (((is_file($target)) && (!is_writable($target))) || (!is_writable(dirname($target))))
throw new Exception("Target file is not writable.");
* Reset attributes (avoid taking huge amount of memory when converting big files)
* @access private
private function _reset()
$this->columnNames = array ();
$this->rows = array ();
$this->rowNumber = 0;
* First XML-level are CSV rows
* @access private
* @param SimpleXMLIterator $tree
private function _browseXMLTree($tree)
foreach ($tree as $node)
if (count($node) > 0)
$this->rows[$this->rowNumber] = array ();
* Browsing next XML levels until a node has no child (CSV value)
* @access private
* @param type $node
* @param array $path
private function _browseXMLNode($node, array &$path = array ())
array_push($path, $node->getName());
foreach ($node as $key => $child)
if (count($child) > 0)
$this->_browseXMLNode($child, $path);
$this->_addValue(implode('.', $path) . '.' . $key, strval($child));
* Create a CSV column if it does not exist.
* Add a value to the given CSV column.
* @access private
* @param string $path
* @param string $value
private function _addValue($column, $value)
if (array_key_exists($column, $this->columnNames))
$columnInfo = $this->columnNames[$column];
foreach ($columnInfo->positions as $position)
if (array_key_exists($position, $this->rows[$this->rowNumber]) == false)
$this->rows[$this->rowNumber][$position] = $value;
if (count($columnInfo->positions) == 1)
$columnInfo->names[0] .= '[0]';
$columnPosition = $this->_countCSVColumns();
array_push($columnInfo->names, $column . '[' . count($columnInfo->positions) . ']');
array_push($columnInfo->positions, $columnPosition);
$this->columnNames[$column] = $columnInfo;
$this->rows[$this->rowNumber][$columnPosition] = $value;
$columnPosition = $this->_countCSVColumns();
$columnInfo = new stdClass();
$columnInfo->names[0] = $column;
$columnInfo->positions[0] = $columnPosition;
$this->columnNames[$column] = $columnInfo;
$this->rows[$this->rowNumber][$columnPosition] = $value;
* Return current number of columns in the CSV file.
* Used to get index of a new column.
* @access private
* @return int
private function _countCSVColumns()
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->columnNames as $columnInfo)
$count += count($columnInfo->positions);
return $count;
* Write CSV file
* @access private
* @param string $csvTarget
private function _writeCSV($csvTarget)
$columns = $this->_getCSVColumns();
if (($handle = fopen($csvTarget, 'w')) === false)
throw new Exception("Cannot open target file : fopen() failed.");
$this->_writeCsvRow($handle, $columns);
$columnPositions = array_keys($columns);
$columnNumber = count($columnPositions);
for ($currentRow = 0; ($currentRow < $this->rowNumber); $currentRow++)
$csvRow = array ();
for ($currentColumn = 0; ($currentColumn < $columnNumber); $currentColumn++)
$position = $columnPositions[$currentColumn];
if (array_key_exists($position, $this->rows[$currentRow]) == false)
$csvRow[$position] = '';
$csvRow[$position] = $this->rows[$currentRow][$position];
$this->_writeCsvRow($handle, $csvRow);
* Return CSV columns as a single array
* @access private
* @return array
private function _getCSVColumns()
$columns = array ();
foreach ($this->columnNames as $columnInfo)
foreach ($columnInfo->names as $key => $name)
$columns[$columnInfo->positions[$key]] = $name;
return $columns;
* Write a row into CSV file
* @access private
* @param resource $handle
* @param array $csvRow
* @throws Exception
private function _writeCsvRow($handle, $csvRow)
if (fputcsv($handle, $csvRow, "\t", '"') === false)
throw new Exception("Cannot write target file, fputcsv() failed.");
1/ 创建一个 demo.xml 文件:
<sku>abc 1</sku>
<title>a book 1</title>
<price>42 1</price>
<name>Number of pages 1</name>
<value>123 1</value>
<name>Author 1</name>
<value>Rob dude 1</value>
<contributor>John 1</contributor>
<contributor>Ryan 1</contributor>
<sku>abc 2</sku>
<title>a book 2</title>
<price>42 2</price>
<name>Number of pages 2</name>
<value>123 2</value>
<name>Author 2</name>
<value>Rob dude 2</value>
<contributor>John 2</contributor>
<contributor>Ryan 2</contributor>
2/ 把它放在你工作的某个地方
$service = new Xml2Csv();
$service->convert('demo.xml', 'demo.csv');
3/ 检查“demo.csv”输出:
item.sku item.title item.price item.attributes.attribute.name[0] item.attributes.attribute.value[0] item.attributes.attribute.name[1] item.attributes.attribute.value[1] item.contributors.contributor[0] item.contributors.contributor[1]
"abc 1" "a book 1" "42 1" "Number of pages 1" "123 1" "Author 1" "Rob dude 1" "John 1" "Ryan 1"
"abc 2" "a book 2" "42 2" "Number of pages 2" "123 2" "Author 2" "Rob dude 2" "John 2" "Ryan 2"
方法添加一些参数来更改 CSV 分隔符或任何你想要的东西。