Can someone help me to fix this parent -> node relationship in css.
To make it clear, let's see some example:

Css: Parent and child relationship


  1. All first Parent should be colored in Blue
  2. All sub parent should be colored in Orange
  3. All child should be colored in Green

It is considered as a parent if it has 1 or more sub node/child.
It is considered as a child if it has no sub node/child.

It means:




should be colored in green.
No script is allowed. Only css, and as much as possible, should be cross browser compatible. Please help, I can't figure out the logic of it.


2 回答 2



As I always believe, code is not the law, but the logic.
Here is the Solution

I just added:

a + .jqtree-title  


#tree1 .jqtree-tree > .jqtree-folder .jqtree-folder div  a + .jqtree-title

And everything works fine even on a deep tree hierarchy.

于 2012-10-02T09:57:48.053 回答

There's no selector for this in the current CSS Selectors Level 3 module. However, the Selectors Level 4 module offers a method to determine "the subject of a selector".

That being said, there's no browser that implements that behaviour, as CSS4:Selectors are still a working draft. You'll have to use JavaScript.

于 2012-10-02T09:58:20.203 回答