Sorry if this question smb asked before me but I couldn't find answer. I wanna support different screens and android versions in one apk. I read reference about support different screens and versions android.

As I understood I can create dir values with postfix -v7(for example). And this style will be chosen for android with version7. And it works.... But what if I wanna create different styles for different screen in 7th sdk.

I can create values with postfix -large or -small or smth else. But How can I specify this values with values-v7(for android with 7th sdk)? Or android will do it automaticaly?

I need values-v7, cause I specify parent style for my application(for android 2 it's nothing, but for Android 3 or hight it's holo)...


2 回答 2


您应该查看提供备用资源中的 android 开发资源

例如,您可以拥有一个包含布局文件的目录layout-large-hdpi-v7。它说布局文件适用于具有 hdpi 密度的大屏幕并支持版本 7 及更高版本。

于 2012-10-02T09:00:59.630 回答



于 2012-10-02T09:01:53.940 回答