我正在关注Trigger.io Forge 教程,但无法从 OSX 10.8 上的命令行正常工作。
使用终端和 Forge 教程,我转到 forge-workspace 文件夹并将其输入到终端中:
$HOME/Library/Trigger\ Toolkit/forge create
Matts-MacBook-Pro:forge-workspace mattm$ $HOME/Library/Trigger\ Toolkit/forge create
[ INFO] Forge tools running at version 3.3.17
[ INFO] Update result: you already have the latest tools
This name is what your application will be called on devices. You can change it later through config.json.
App Name: Weather App
[ INFO] Registering new app "Weather App" with trigger.io...
[ INFO] Fetching initial project template
[ INFO] Building app for the first time...
[ INFO] Update result: you already have the latest tools
[ INFO] App structure created. To proceed:
[ INFO] 1) Put your code in the "src" folder
[ INFO] 2) Run forge build to make a build
[ INFO] 3) Run forge run to test out your build
Matts-MacBook-Pro:forge-workspace mattm$
但这并没有出现。另外,当我查看我的库目录(并进行系统范围的搜索)时,我没有看到任何标记为 Trigger 的文件夹。
当我尝试按照教程指导并执行诸如使用 forge create 命令之类的操作时,什么也没有发生:
Matts-MacBook-Pro:hello-world mattm$ forge create</p>
-bash: forge: command not found
Matts-MacBook-Pro:hello-world mattm$ $forge create</p>
-bash: create: command not found
在你问之前,是的,我安装了 Python,并且能够使用 Forge 浏览器界面构建和运行应用程序。