我对 Web 开发非常陌生,如果你甚至可以这样称呼它,尤其是 jQuery,我已经用 jQuery 碰了壁。

我拥有的是一个表格(用于选择目的)和一系列 Paypal 按钮。我需要执行的功能是显示/隐藏,但前提是选择了三个单选按钮的特定选择。每三个组合选择是显示/隐藏相应的贝宝按钮。




<script type="text/javascript">


    //Hide div w/id extra
             #button11, #button12, #button13, #button14,#button15,




    <form action="order-lamb" method="post" id="order">
   <input type="hidden" name="pack" value="whole" />
   <div class="form-item leg option left2">
      <h3> Choose from the following Leg options</h3>
      <p>Choose what leg options you would like:</p>
      <label for="leg-one-of-each"><input type="radio" name="leg" value="each" id="leg-one-of-each" />1 x Carvery and 1 x Butterfly Legs</label>
      <p class="or">OR</p>
      <label for="leg-both-carvery"><input type="radio" name="leg" value="carvery" id="leg-both-carvery" />2 x Carvery Legs</label>
      <p class="or">OR</p>
      <label for="leg-both-butterfly"><input type="radio" name="leg" value="butterfly" id="leg-both-butterfly" /> 2 x Butterfly Legs</label>
   <div class="form-item loin option right2 ">
      <h3> Choose from the following Loin options:</h3>
      <p>Choose what loin options you would like:</p>
      <label for="loin-one-of-each"><input type="radio" name="loin" value="loin-each" id="loin-one-of-each" />1 x Nolsette Loin and 1 x Backstrap &amp; Tenderloin</label>
      <p class="or">OR</p>
      <label for="loin-both-nolsette"><input type="radio" name="loin" value="nolsette" id="loin-both-nolsette" />2 x Nolsette Loins </label>
      <p class="or">OR</p>
      <label for="loin-both-backstrap"><input type="radio" name="loin" value="backstrap-tenderloin" id="loin-both-backstrap" />2 x Backstrap &amp; Tenderloins </label>
   <div class="cf"></div>
   <div class="form-item shoulder option left2">
      <h3>Choose from the following Shoulder options:</h3>
      <p>Choose what shoulder option you would like:</p>
      <label for="shoulder-one-of-each"><input type="radio" name="shoulder" value="shoulder-each" id="shoulder-one-of-each" /> 1 x Bone and Rolled and 1 x French Danish</label>
      <p class="or">OR</p>
      <label for="shoulder-both-bone-and-rolled"><input type="radio" name="shoulder" value="bone-and-rolled" id="shoulder-both-bone-and-rolled" />2 x Bone and Rolled</label>
      <p class="or">OR</p>
      <label for="shoulder-both-french-danish"><input type="radio" name="shoulder" value="french-danish" id="shoulder-both-french-danish" />2 x French Danish</label>
   <div class="form-item included right2">
      <h3>You will also get:</h3>
      <p>These are included:</p>
      <span class="choice selected">2 x Fully Frenched Racks </span>
      <p class="or">AND</p>
      <span class="choice selected">1 x Coastal Spring Lamb Mince Pack </span> </span>    
      <p class="or">AND</p>
      <span class="choice selected">1 x Coastal Spring Lamb Patty Pack</span> </span>
   <div class="clear"></div>
   <div class="align-right" />
   <div class="form-item submit">
      <p class="error">You must select an option in each category.</p>
      <input type="image" name="submit" src="images/buttons-and-logos/awaiting-payment.png" id="submit" border="0" />
      <p class="paypal">You will receive a confirmation email when your payment has been processed via paypal. <br />Price includes freight and GST.<br /></p>

1 回答 1




<input type="button" class="hideMe">

然后在 CSS 文件中,您将拥有如下内容


或者,如果您不想要单独的 CSS 文件,您也可以在您的 javascript 部分中执行以下操作。

<script type="text/javascript">
     //Hide div w/id extra



其次,要回答您的主要问题,您始终可以检查最后一个按钮,以确保所有 3 个都被选中。

       if ($(this).is(':checked') && $(radioButton2).is(':checked')  && $(radioButton2).is(':checked') ) {
         // Do whatever you need to do here



编辑:要让它在所有 3 个复选框上工作,您需要执行 3 个 if 语句。但是,为了节省重复代码,请创建一个函数来为您执行检查。例如

    function checkChecked(){
           if ($(this).is(':checked') && $(radioButton2).is(':checked')  && $(radioButton2).is(':checked') ) {
         // Do whatever you need to do here

然后,您将拥有 3 个调用此函数的 if 语句。下面是一个例子。


正如我所说,那里有更多可能更优雅的解决方案,但这将完成您所寻找的工作。例如,我很确定那里有一些功能可以检查是否更改了任何复选框,这将为您节省 3 个 if 语句。但是,我将把谷歌搜索留给你:)。


于 2012-10-01T20:09:45.117 回答