我是 gwtp 编程新手,使用 popupslot 时遇到问题:我有几个嵌套的演示者。一位演示者显示了一个弹出对话框。每次显示此演示者时,都会显示弹出对话框 - 包括。最后一个字段值。
如何清除 PopupSlot?
. 如果希望下次弹出时清除该弹出框,则必须在调用该hide()
As I understand you have presenter A that add PresenterWidget B to popup slot. Every time Presenter A is revealed PresenterWidget B revealed too.
The reason of such behavior is that you add PreseneterWidget B to popup slot on one of life-cycle method. Check your onReveal and prepareFromRequest methods. They are called every time your presenter becomes visible. May be you should add some condition or move addToPopupSlot call to other place.