我正在尝试查找包含 2 个或更多区域成员的所有区域,其中搜索词是字符串值。这是我的代码。在 FindCommmonZones 方法中,当我尝试将 Intersect 的结果转换为 ObservableCollection 时,我得到了一个无效转换的运行时。问题是,有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?作为 FindCommonZones() 参数的字符串数组可以是任意数量的字符串。StackOverflow 有其他一些类似的帖子,但没有一个真正回答我的问题 - 看起来它们都与 SQL 有关。
public class Zone
public List<ZoneMember> MembersList = new List<ZoneMember>();
private string _ZoneName;
public string zoneName{ get{return _ZoneName;} set{_ZoneName=value;} }
public Zone ContainsMember(string member)
var contained = this.MembersList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MemberWWPN.
Contains(member) || m.MemberAlias.Contains(member));
if (contained != null) { return this; }
else { return null; }
public class ZoneMember
// a zone member is a member of a zone
// zones have ports, WWPNs, aliases or all 3
private string _Alias = string.Empty;
public string MemberAlias {get{return _Alias;} set{_Alias = value; } }
private FCPort _Port = null;
public FCPort MemberPort { get { return _Port; } set { _Port = value; } }
private string _WWPN = string.Empty;
public string MemberWWPN { get { return _WWPN; } set { _WWPN = value; } }
private bool _IsLoggedIn;
public bool IsLoggedIn { get { return _IsLoggedIn; } set { _IsLoggedIn = value; } }
private string _FCID;
public string FCID {get{return _FCID;} set{ _FCID=value; } }
private ObservableCollection<ZoneResult> FindCommonZones(string[] searchterms)
ObservableCollection<ZoneResult> tempcollection =
new ObservableCollection<ZoneResult>();
//find the zones for the first search term
tempcollection = this.FindZones(searchterms[0]);
//now search for the rest of the search terms and compare
//them to existing result
for (int i = 1; i < searchterms.Count(); i++ )
// this line gives an exception trying to cast
tempcollection = (ObservableCollection<ZoneResult>)tempcollection.
return tempcollection;
private ObservableCollection<ZoneResult> FindZones(string searchterm)
// we need to track the vsan where the zone member is found
// so use a foreach to keep track
ObservableCollection<ZoneResult> zonecollection = new ObservableCollection<ZoneResult>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Dictionary<int, CiscoVSAN>> fabricpair in this.FabricDictionary)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, CiscoVSAN> vsanpair in fabricpair.Value)
var selection = vsanpair.Value.ActiveZoneset.
ZoneList.Select(z => z.ContainsMember(searchterm)).
Where(m => m != null).OrderBy(z => z.zoneName);
if (selection.Count() > 0)
foreach (Zone zone in selection)
foreach (ZoneMember zm in zone.MembersList)
ZoneResult zr = new ZoneResult(zone.zoneName,
zm.MemberWWPN, zm.MemberAlias, vsanpair.Key.ToString());
return zonecollection;