我真的遇到了一个问题,或者更多的错误。我有一个用 Flex 4.1 编写的业务应用程序,编译后的 Flash 对象在不同的​​浏览器上以不同的方式显示其中的图像。

例如这个页面: http: //www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Main/ProspectiveStudents/HomepageNewPortalProspectiveStudents/ChooseYourProgramme/RequestBrochures.htm

如果您在 Chrome 或 Safari 等浏览器上选择学士学位课程,您将看到标志与文本对齐(标志使用 x,y 坐标定位。如果您在 IE 8 或 9 上执行完全相同的操作,您将看到所有标志都移动左边几个pizels,开始覆盖一些标签。

有没有其他人遇到过这个问题,以及如何解决它?这是用于定位标志的 mxml 代码。

<mx:Image x="241" y="65" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="245" y="95" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="230" y="111" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="262" y="65" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="160" y="246" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="335" y="260" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="199" y="305" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="182" y="246" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="169" y="275" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="199" y="290" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="152" y="124" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="158" y="140" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="129" y="154" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="152" y="230" width="15" height="10" source="en.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="173" y="124" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="162" y="170" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="232" y="185" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="166" y="200" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="285" y="215" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>
            <mx:Image x="312" y="80" width="15" height="10" source="nl.jpg"/>

1 回答 1



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- sparktextcontrols/TLFFloat.mxml -->


            private function changeSelection(event:Event):void {
                image1.float = event.currentTarget.selectedItem;

        <s:Label text="float for the image (default:none):"/>
        <s:ComboBox id="cb1" 

    <s:RichEditableText id="myRET1" width="300">
            <s:TextFlow columnWidth="290">
                <s:p id="p1">Images in a flow are a good thing. For example, here is a float. <s:img id="image1" float="none" source="@Embed(source='../assets/bulldog.jpg')" paddingRight="10" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10"></s:img>Don't you agree? 
                It should show on the left. If it doesn't show up on the left, then it is a bug. You can submit bugs at http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/. You can set how the float is positioned within
                the paragraph by using the ComboBox below. You can select left, right, start, end, or none. This example does not use the clearFloats property. That is in a different example.</s:p>

于 2013-04-15T12:02:40.230 回答