I am writing a game using xna for wp7 for the first time and finding difficult to implement main menu and managing game state. please provide any tutorials/links.

I searched on SO, found below link but the this link is broken. http://create.msdn.com/en-US/education/catalog/sample/game_state_management


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试试诺基亚开发者网站: http: //www.developer.nokia.com/Develop/Windows_Phone/Code_examples/

他们在 XNA 上有一些很好的例子。

你知道你可以混合 XNA 和 Silverlight 吗?即菜单可以在 Silverlight 中,而您的实际游戏屏幕可以使用 XNA。

于 2012-10-01T15:46:03.533 回答