I am checking the possibility of this way, if I got any silly thinking, please correct me. I would like to enhance the audio quality. According to some knowledge from web, I found that When an audio/music/sound is played , the AudioTrack will write() PCM data to the sharedbuffer, and then AudioFlinger will read() the PCM data form this sharedbuffer. The idea is to use a service to intercept the PCM data after it is wrote by AudioTrack.write(), modify the PCM data, and then restore it back to the sharedbuffer for AudioFlinger to read(); Could anyone help/correct me, please?


1 回答 1


我不太了解 AudioFlinger,但是要读取 PCM 数据,您可以使用 AudioRecord 并写入 PCM 数据,您可以使用 AUdioTrack 播放声音。

于 2012-10-01T04:07:23.677 回答