



$(window).load(function () {
  $('.fancybox').each(function () {
    var hh = $(this).attr('href');
    var img = new Image();
    img.src = hh;

    function TIMG(i) {
      if (img.complete != null && img.complete == true) {
        $('.mag').append('<img src="' + hh + '" class="cls" />');
      } else {
        setTimeout(TIMG, 1000);

    setTimeout(TIMG, 1000);    


2 回答 2


Based on the new information that you just want to add them in order as soon as they are ready, you can do that like this

 $(document).ready(function () {
      // preload all the images as fast as possible
      var imgs = [];
      $('.fancybox').each(function () {
          // get all images preloading immediately
          // so there is the best chance they are available when needed
          var img = new Image();
          img.onload = function() {
          img.className = "cls";
          img.src = $(this).attr('href');

      function addReadyImages() {
          // show all images that are ready up to here
          while (imgs.length && imgs[0].complete === true) {
              // append the loaded image from the start of the array
              // remove the one we just did from the start of the array

Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/sCHws/

This algorithm works as follows:

  1. Start preloading all the images as soon as possible.
  2. Store the image objects in an array in the order that the .fancybox items are encountered in your page
  3. Set an onload handler for each image so we know immediately when it's ready
  4. In the onload handler for any image, append all images at the front of the array that are ready and then remove them from the array

P.S. I've assumed there is only one .mag item and thus we don't need to make separate copies of the image objects (much more efficient that way - rather than creating new image objects). If that is not the case, then please disclose your HTML so we can see the whole problem.

于 2012-09-30T21:28:08.050 回答


等待所有图像加载的时间最好通过.promise()jQuery 中的相关方法来完成:http: //api.jquery.com/promise/,并观察图像何时被load()编辑。如果您特别想控制图像的显示(这很可能是您所关心的),那么它们可以在加载后按顺序显示。

于 2012-09-30T21:06:21.110 回答