每当我使用 NetBeans 7.2 构建 .deb 包然后安装它时,我都会收到以下消息:

The package is of bad quality

The installation of a package which violates the quality standards isn't allowed.
This could cause serious problems on your computer.  Please contact the person or
organisation who provided this package file and include the details beneath.

Details V
The package doesn't provide a valid Installed-Size control field.  See Debian Policy 5.6.20

[OK]  [Ignore and install]

单击[Ignore and install]按钮工作正常,应用程序安装,运行/工作正常。猜猜我只需要以Installed-Size某种方式通过 NetBeans 设置设置。惊讶于它在为我构建包时不仅仅自动执行此操作。(我正在为 x86/32 位、Ubuntu 10.04 LTS--w/最新更新、Java JDK 7 / JavaFX 2.2 应用程序构建,如果重要的话。)

我在 build.xml 中使用以下目标:

<target name="-post-jfx-deploy">
    <fx:deploy width="${javafx.run.width}" height="${javafx.run.height}"
               outdir="${basedir}/${dist.dir}" outfile="${application.title}">
        <fx:application name="${application.title}"
            <fx:fileset dir="${basedir}/${dist.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
        <fx:info title="${application.title}" vendor="${application.vendor}"/>

谁能告诉我需要在 NetBeans (7.2) 中更改/设置哪些设置才能解决此问题(即,如何在使用 NetBeans 构建时设置 Installed-Size 控制字段)?我一直在打猎,假设有人在我之前遇到过这个问题,但没有运气。


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