我是一名初学者程序员,希望能在这个可能微不足道的问题上得到一些帮助:我有一个包含以下结构的 .xml 文件:
<norm builddate="20120625150106" doknr="BJNR000020963BJNE000401308">
<enbez>§ 3</enbez>
<titel format="parat">sometitle</titel>
<text format="XML">
<P>(1) sometext</P>
<P>(2) anothertext</P>
现在我想用标签“enbez”+“P”(somenumber)+“jurabk”的字符串内容附加每个“P”内容,例如:§ 3 (1) BUrlG。然后我应用一些格式使其成为§ 3 Abs。1 个建筑物。
import string
import re
from urllib import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
xmlfile = urlopen('burlg.xml').read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(xmlfile)
# Find a specific enbez; the norm parent always contains only one
enbez = soup.findAll("enbez")
enbezspecial = enbez[3]
#find the norm parent
norm = enbezspecial.find_parent("norm")
#find all p's belonging to the norm parent
p = norm.findAll("p")
pspecial = p[1]
#Get the number, remove the brackets and add a whitespace
regex = re.compile('\(\d\)')
result = regex.match(pspecial.string)
resultstring = result.group()
resultstring1 = resultstring.replace("(","")
resultstring2 = resultstring1.replace(")","")
resultstring3 = " " + resultstring2
#find the shorttitle; is the same for the whole document
jurabk = soup.find("jurabk")
#add some output formatting
enbezprint = enbezspecial.text
paraprint = " Abs."+resultstring3
jurabkprint = " "+jurabk.text
appendix = "["+enbezprint+paraprint+jurabkprint+"]"
print p[1]