我在我的 macbook 上使用 MS Powerpoint 2008。我已经使用提供的 Automator 操作将一堆图像(大约 100 个)添加到一个新的 PPTX 文件中。图像居中,但并未完全最大化。边缘周围大约有 0.5-1 英寸的空间可供使用。我更喜欢垂直或水平最大化图像,或者以适合图像的方式最大化。

知道如何添加代码来确定图像(形状)是否会更好地最大化到幻灯片高度(7.5 英寸 x 72 像素/英寸)或宽度(10 英寸或 720 像素)?


tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
    set thePres to active presentation
    set slideCount to count slides of thePres
        repeat with a from 1 to slideCount
        set theShape to first shape of slide a of thePres
        set height of theShape to (7.5 * 70)
        set leftPos to (slide width of page setup of thePres) - (width of theShape)
        set left position of theShape to (leftPos / 2)
        set top of theShape to 0
    end repeat
end tell

这是我在实施建议后更新的代码。在图像宽于高但与幻灯片中 7.5 x 10 的比例不同的情况下,我必须添加一条线来检查调整大小后高度没有超过幻灯片高度:

tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint"
    set thePres to active presentation
    set slideCount to count slides of thePres
    repeat with a from 1 to slideCount
        set theShape to first shape of slide a of thePres
        if height of theShape is greater than width of theShape then
            set height of theShape to (7.5 * 72)
            set width of theShape to (10 * 72)
        end if
        if height of theShape is greater than 540 then
            set height of theShape to 540
        end if
        set leftPos to (slide width of page setup of thePres) - (width of theShape)
        set left position of theShape to (leftPos / 2)
        set top of theShape to 0
    end repeat
end tell

1 回答 1


首先,为什么“将 theShape 的高度设置为 (7.5 * 70)”?

默认幻灯片高度为 7.5 * 72(7.5 英寸 * 每英寸 72 点)

假设图像已经添加到幻灯片中,您需要查看图像的宽度除以高度。如果结果为 1 或更小,则图像是方形或高于宽度,因此您需要将其垂直居中。如果它> 1,则将其水平居中。

于 2012-09-30T19:54:27.100 回答