我正在尝试为此编写一个算法:有 100 个学生和 100 个储物柜。第一个学生从第一个储物柜开始,然后打开每个储物柜。下一个学生,第二个学生,从第二个储物柜开始,如果储物柜打开,每隔一个储物柜就会关闭一次,反之亦然。第三个学生从第三个储物柜开始,每隔三个储物柜重复这个过程。我写了一些我认为应该可以工作的东西,但是我的数组超出了范围,我不知道如何:
public static void main(String[] args)
int startingStudents = 1;
int lockersToCheck = 1;
int lockersPosition = 1;
boolean[] lockers = new boolean[101];
//Cycles through 100 students
for(int students = startingStudents; startingStudents <= 100; students++)
//What each student does
while(lockersToCheck <= 100)
//If its closed, open
if(lockers[lockersToCheck] == false)
lockers[lockersToCheck] = true;
//If its open, close
lockers[lockersToCheck] = false;
//Which locker they should be at
lockersToCheck += lockersPosition;
//Zero out to start at the right locker
lockersToCheck = 0;
//Where the next student starts
lockersPosition += students;
//Make sure the next student starts there
lockersToCheck = lockersPosition;
for(int n = 1; n <= 100; n++)
System.out.print(lockers[n] + " " + n);