我正在使用带有以下代码的 FB 注册插件:
<html xmlns:fb="http://ogp.me/ns/fb#">
<script type="text/javascript">
window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: 'xxx', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); };
(function() {
var e = document.createElement('script');
e.async = true;
e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js';
<?php /* There seems to be a character limit for fields causing "invalid client_id" on log in/out */?>
<fb:registration redirect-uri="https://xxx.secure.xxx.com/register/fb_submit.php"
{"name":"s_question","description":"Secret Question","type":"select","options":{"2":"In which city were you born?","4":"What is your favorite book?","3":"What is your favorite pets name?","6":"What is your favorite vacation spot?","1":"What is your mothers maiden name?"}},
{"name":"s_answer","type":"text","description":"Secret Answer"},
{"name":"address_co","description":"Care of (Optional)","type":"text","no_submit":true},
{"name":"address","description":"Mailing Address","type":"text"},
{"name":"street_address","description":"Street Address (if using a P.O. box above)","type":"text","no_submit":true},
{"name":"state","view":"not_prefilled", "description":"State","type":"select","options":{"AA":"AA - Armed Forces Americas","AE":"AE - Armed Forces","AK":"AK - Alaska","AL":"AL - Alabama","AP":"AP - Armed Forces Pacific","AR":"AR - Arkansas","AS":"AS - American Samoa","AZ":"AZ - Arizona","CA":"CA - California","CO":"CO - Colorado","CT":"CT - Connecticut","DC":"DC - District of Columbia","DE":"DE - Delaware","FL":"FL - Florida","FM":"FM - Federated States of Micronesia","GA":"GA - Georgia","GU":"GU - Guam","HI":"HI - Hawaii","IA":"IA - Iowa","ID":"ID - Idaho","IL":"IL - Illinois","IN":"IN - Indiana","KS":"KS - Kansas","KY":"KY - Kentucky","LA":"LA - Louisiana","MA":"MA - Massachusetts","MD":"MD - Maryland","ME":"ME - Maine","MH":"MH - Marshall Islands","MI":"MI - Michigan","MN":"MN - Minnesota","MO":"MO - Missouri","MP":"MP - Northern Mariana Islands","MS":"MS - Mississippi","MT":"MT - Montana","NC":"NC - North Carolina","ND":"ND - North Dakota","NE":"NE - Nebraska","NH":"NH - New Hampshire","NJ":"NJ - New Jersey","NM":"NM - New Mexico","NV":"NV - Nevada","NY":"NY - New York","OH":"OH - Ohio","OK":"OK - Oklahoma","OR":"OR - Oregon","PA":"PA - Pennsylvania","PR":"PR - Puerto Rico","PW":"PW - Palau","RI":"RI - Rhode Island","SC":"SC - South Carolina","SD":"SD - South Dakota","TN":"TN - Tennessee","TX":"TX - Texas","UT":"UT - Utah","VA":"VA - Virginia","VI":"VI - Virgin Islands","VT":"VT - Vermont","WA":"WA - Washington","WI":"WI - Wisconsin","WV":"WV - West Virginia","WY":"WY - Wyoming"}},
{"name":"zip","description":"5-digit Zip Code","type":"text"},
{"name":"phone","description":"Phone (800-555-1212)","type":"text"},
{"name":"referred_by","description":"Referred by-Email or site nickname (Optional)","type":"text","no_submit":true},
{"name":"cert_code","description":"Gift Certificate Code (Optional)","type":"text","no_submit":true},
{"name":"sel_hear_about","description":"How Did You Hear About Us?","type":"select","options":{"1":"Friend","2":"Newspaper","3":"Magazine","4":"Internet Search","5":"Internet Ad","6":"Website","8":"site2","9":"site3","10":"Other","11":"TV","12":"Radio"}},
{"name":"hear_about","description":"newspaper/blog/website/friend name? (Optional) ","type":"text","no_submit":true},
{"name":"hours","description":"Hours Spent Reading per Week (Optional)","type":"select","options":{"0":"0","1-5":"1-5","6-10":"6-10","11-20":"11-20","21-30":"21-30","31-40":"31-40","41+":"41+"},"no_submit":true}
]' onvalidate="validate">
这是我的 validate() 函数:
function validate(form)
errors = {};
var dt = new Date(), expiryTime = dt.setTime( dt.getTime() + 1000*5 );
var expires = dt.toGMTString();
if (form.first_name == "")
errors.first_name = "Please choose a First Name";
if (form.s_question == "-1")
errors.s_question = "Please choose a Secret Question";
if (form.s_answer == "")
errors.s_answer = "Please type an answer to your Secret Question";
if (form.address_co !== "")
set_cookie( 'address_co', form.address_co, expires, '/register', 'secure.xxx.com', true );
if (form.address == "")
errors.address = "Please type your mailing address";
if (form.address2 !== "")
set_cookie( 'address2', form.address2, expires, '/register', 'secure.xxx.com', true );
if (form.street_address !== "")
set_cookie( 'street_address', form.street_address, expires, '/register', 'secure.xxx.com', true );
if (form.zip == "")
errors.zip = "Please type a 5-digit Zip Code"
else if (form.zip.length != 5)
errors.zip = "Zip Code must be 5 digits";
else if (isNaN(form.zip))
errors.zip = "Zip Code must be a number";
if (form.phone == "")
errors.phone = "Please type your phone number";
if (form.referred_by !== "")
set_cookie( 'referred_by', form.referred_by, expires, '/register', 'secure.xxx.com', true );
if (form.cert_code !== "")
set_cookie( 'cert_code', form.cert_code, expires, '/register', 'secure.xxx.com', true );
if (!form.sel_hear_about)
errors.sel_hear_about = "Please choose how you heard about us";
if (form.hear_about !== "")
set_cookie( 'hear_about', form.hear_about, expires, '/register', 'secure.xxx.com', true );
if (form.hours !== "-1")
set_cookie( 'hours', form.hours, expires, '/register', 'secure.xxx.com', true );
return errors;
如果用户在访问此注册表单时已经登录到 FB,则填充 FB 字段并且该表单有效。但是,如果用户没有登录 FB 并在表单上选择 FB 提示“登录以使用您的个人资料信息预先填写下面的表单。”,然后向 FB 提供登录凭据,该表单就会消失并被相当通用的替换来自 FB 的“client_id”错误。
如果用户随后刷新页面,则他/她已登录 FB,并填充了正确的 FB 字段。
我已经验证了 JSON 字段列表。在测试过程中,我发现如果我将字段列表缩减为:
{"name":"s_question","description":"Secret Question","type":"select","options":{"2":"In which city were you born?","4":"What is your favorite book?","3":"What is your favorite pets name?","6":"What is your favorite vacation spot?","1":"What is your mothers maiden name?"}},
{"name":"s_answer","type":"text","description":"Secret Answer"},
{"name":"last_name"}, ]' onvalidate="validate">
然后我没有得到错误。如果我重新添加最长的字段(上面的状态字段),则会返回 client_id 错误。除了添加状态,我可以添加其他较短字段的组合并得到相同的错误。这让我觉得我达到了 JSON 字段列表的某种最大大小限制。可能不是发送到 FB 的实际 JSON,而是在登录后 FB 发回的相应隐藏字段中。
如果我无法解决这个问题,我计划只获取基本的 FB 字段并将其余字段移至另一个页面。当然,由于表格和我的支持注册,我更喜欢将它留在一块。将 FB 数据加载到表单中(刷新时)后,代码所有工作。