感谢您的所有帮助,我最近能够让它运行,但我无法弄清楚为什么我的程序会在这里结束。看着它,if answer == 3:
# First Encounter (main program really)
def fi_en():
global pow, cun, per
It smells of damp vegetation, and the air is particularly thick. You can
hear some small animals in the distance. This was a nice place to sleep.
1. Stay close, find some cover, and wait for food to show up.
2. Explore the nearby marsh & find the nearest river, following it downstream.
3. Walk towards the large mysterious mountain in the distance.
answer = int(raw_input(prompt))
if answer == 1:
cun_one = roll_3d6()
if cun_one <= cun - 2:
print"""Time passes as eventually you capture some varmints.
You feel slightly more roguish."""
cun = cun + 1
print """Time passes and a group of slavers marches into right
where you are hiding in the woods. They locate you, capture you, and haul you
away for a lifetime of servitude in the main city.
Goodbye %s""" % name
elif answer == 2:
power = roll_3d6()
if power <= pow - 4:
print"""You trudge through the marshes until you eventually reach
a large river. Downstream from the river is a large temple covered in vines,
you walk towards it. You feel more powerful."""
pow = pow + 2
print """The vegetation here wraps itself around your legs making
it impossible to move. You will most likely die here in the vegetation.
Goodbye %s.""" % name
elif answer == 3:
cun_two = roll_3d6()
if cun_two <= cun:
print """You make your way towards the mountain and you encounter
a really large group of devil dogs guarding the entrance to the mountain."""
print"You have gotten lost and ended up right where you started."
It smells of damp vegetation, and the air is particularly thick. You can
hear some small animals in the distance. This was a nice place to sleep.
1. Stay close, find some cover, and wait for food to show up.
2. Explore the nearby marsh & find the nearest river, following it downstream."
3. Walk towards the large mysterious mountain in the distance.
> 3
Raymond-Weisss-MacBook-Pro:lod Raylug$