
我在我的 TypePad 驱动的博客上安装了 Facebook Like Box 插件。它不会显示喜欢我的 Facebook 页面的人的面孔。最初它只显示两个成员(维度允许显示六个面)。我卸载了它。两个月后,我重新安装了插件,它只显示了一个成员的脸(称他为“K”)。当该成员更新他的页面时,它将显示在 Like Box 上。但是,当新人加入我的粉丝页面时,数量会增加,但他们的脸不会显示在点赞框中。唯一会显示的脸是“K”。我决定从我的成员列表中删除“K”,看看会发生什么。结果是 Like Box 显示了零个面孔。我卸载了插件并重新安装了它,结果相同。目前我'

Facebook 不允许我完全粘贴 IFrame 代码,但大部分内容如下:

iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2FLiving-Fit-Healthy-and-Happy%2F342390352362&width=292&height=290&colorscheme= light&show_faces=true&border_color&stream=false&header=true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:290px;" allowTransparency="true">

顶部 < 然后在底部 /iframe (<--- 我必须输入它才能让 Facebook 允许将此代码粘贴到此问题框中)

无论使用哪种浏览器——无论是 Firefox 还是 Internet Explorer——Like Box 都不会显示面孔。

我知道这是 Like Box 应用程序中的一个小故障,但 Facebook 没有提供技术支持来解决这个问题。这个 Like Box 安装在商业网站上。这个应用程序的功能将帮助我决定是否在 Facebook 上使用付费广告。


1 回答 1


The faces aren't showing when you plug your URL in on the Like Box Plugin page either, so you've got two possibilities: It's a Facebook bug, or it's you.

Let's assume it's you for the moment. First, visit the admin panel of your page and claim a username. You've passed the likes threshold. That alone might fix your problem.

While you're in there, check that you don't have any excessive restrictions on your page.

The only other suggestion is to look at the people who've liked your page. Have any of them set the visibility to "Only Me"? If so, their photos won't show up here.

If you're confident that you've done all that correctly and it still isn't working, file a bug report

于 2012-09-28T14:47:43.960 回答