I tried to add a new row to a Table in an SQL DB, but I had a problem :
dynamic sql generation is not supported against multiple base tables
this is the code I tried :
private MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
private SqlDataAdapter adapter;
private SqlDataAdapter adapter2;
private void GestionCollections_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("select Id_Collection ID, Libelle_Collection Collection,Libelle_Editeur Editeur from Collection_ left join Editeur on Id_Editeur = Collection_.Id_Editeur_Editeur", myClass.cnx);
adapter.Fill(myClass.ds, "Collection_");
adapter2 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select Id_Editeur ID,Libelle_Editeur Editeur from Editeur", myClass.cnx);
adapter2.Fill(myClass.ds, "Editeur");
private void AjouterBarButton_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
String newKeyWordCollectionName = ajoutCollection.KeyWordCollectionName;
String newKeyWordAEditeurName = ajoutCollection.KeyWordEditeurName;
DataRow row = myClass.ds.Tables["Collection_"].NewRow();
row[1] = newKeyWordCollectionName;
foreach(var myRow in myClass.ds.Tables["Editeur"].AsEnumerable())
if (newKeyWordAEditeurName == myRow[1] as String)
row[2] = (int)myRow[0];
SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
adapter.Update(myClass.ds, "Collection_");