
启动函数错误消息触发器结束 2012 年 9 月 28 日晚上 9:45 plotPortfolioData TypeError:无法调用 null 的方法“getSheetByName”。(第 5 行)基于时间的 9/28/12 晚上 9:45

问题是,第 5 行是空的,第 4 行和第 3 行都没有任何“getSheetByName”函数

function plotPortfolioData() {

  // get the Portfolio Chart sheet, and create it if it doesn't exist
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

  var portfolioDataSetT = transpose(GetComprehensivePortfolioData(ss));

  varSheetName = "Charts";

  var firstIndividualStockColumn = 6; // first column in portfolioDataSetT where the actual individual holdings start

  // loop through every value in the portfolio dataset and replace 0 with a blank string (this has the effect of removing
  // any 0 quantity lines from the stacked charts).
  for (var i = 2; i != portfolioDataSetT.length; i++) // start at i = 2 to skip the header and first row (needed for charting)
    for (ii in portfolioDataSetT[i])
      if (portfolioDataSetT[i][ii] <= 0)
        portfolioDataSetT[i][ii] = '';

  if (!ss.getSheetByName(varSheetName))
    var newSheetCreated = true;
    var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(varSheetName);
    var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(varSheetName);

    // remove all charts in this existing sheet
    var charts = sheet.getCharts();
    for (var i in charts)
    var sheet = ss.getSheetByName(varSheetName);

  // Build the data into the spreadsheet
  var sheetDataRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, portfolioDataSetT.length, portfolioDataSetT[0].length);

  // prepare the pie chart data
  // start by listing the individual stock names vertically
  var number_of_custom_rows = 1; // the number of manual rows we will add that are not just stocks
  var pieChartSize = (portfolioDataSetT[0].length + 1 - firstIndividualStockColumn) + number_of_custom_rows; // number of holdings in the pie chart
  var pieChartFirstColumn = portfolioDataSetT[0].length+1; // just start after the data pile

  var pieChartStockTitles = sheet.getRange(1,1,1,portfolioDataSetT[0].length).getValues(); // the range of headers
  var pieChartHoldingsRange = sheet.getRange(portfolioDataSetT.length,1,1,portfolioDataSetT[0].length);
  var pieChartHoldings = pieChartHoldingsRange.getValues(); // range of holdings values

  // set the pie chart holdings range number format

  var pieChartDataSpace = sheet.getRange(1,pieChartFirstColumn,pieChartSize,2); // the space where the pie chart data will be printed for graphing (2 columns for name and holding value for each stock)

  for (var i = 0; i != pieChartSize - number_of_custom_rows; i++)
    pieChartDataSpace.getCell(i+1,1).setValue(pieChartStockTitles[0][firstIndividualStockColumn-1+i]); // add the name of the holding to the first pie chart column
    pieChartDataSpace.getCell(i+1,2).setValue(pieChartHoldings[0][firstIndividualStockColumn-1+i]); // add the value of the holding to the 2nd pie chart column

  // now add the custom rows
  pieChartDataSpace.getCell(pieChartSize,1).setValue(pieChartStockTitles[0][4]); // add the cash header
  pieChartDataSpace.getCell(pieChartSize,2).setValue(pieChartHoldings[0][4]); // add the cash amount

  var chartHeight = 400;
  var chartWidth = 500;
  var offset = 3; // buffer region in pixels between charts and the edge of screen

  // hide the numbers for neatness:

  // performance chart (top left)
  var performanceChart = sheet.newChart()
      .setOption('title', "Portfolio Measurements")
      .setPosition(portfolioDataSetT.length, 1, offset, offset)
      .addRange(sheet.getRange("A:D")) // date,cost base, cash-only,cost-base no cash

  // performance chart (bottom left)
  var compositionChart = sheet.newChart()
      .setOption('title', "Portfolio Composition")
      .setPosition(portfolioDataSetT.length, 1, offset, 2*offset + chartHeight)
      .addRange(sheet.getRange("A:A")) // dates
      .addRange(sheet.getRange("E:E")) // cash balance
      .addRange(sheet.getRange(1,firstIndividualStockColumn,portfolioDataSetT.length,portfolioDataSetT[0].length + 1 - firstIndividualStockColumn)) // add the individual stock holdings

  // pie chart portfolio composition (top right)
  var pieChart = sheet.newChart()
      .setOption('title', "Portfolio Composition")
      .setPosition(portfolioDataSetT.length, 1, 2*offset + chartWidth, offset)
      .addRange(sheet.getRange(1,pieChartFirstColumn,pieChartSize,1)) // add the individual stock names
      .addRange(sheet.getRange(1,pieChartFirstColumn+1,pieChartSize,1)) // add the individual holding values

  // fix up number formatting
  var sheetWholeRange = sheet.getDataRange();
  sheetWholeRange.setNumberFormat("$#,###"); // set all numbers to currency
  var sheetDateRange = sheet.getRange("A:A");
  sheetDateRange.setNumberFormat("d-LLL-YYYY"); // set date column formatting



1 回答 1



var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

当您手动启动此脚本时,我假设您以电子表格脚本的形式从Spreadsheet Script EditorSpreadsheet Script Manager. 在这种情况下,getActiveSpreadsheet返回现在打开的活动工作表并且ss没有null- 一切都很好。

当您从定时触发器启动相同的脚本时,没有任何活动的电子表格并且getActiveSpreadsheet()返回null. 在那之后,可能在GetComprehensivePortfolioData方法内部的某个地方有一条线ss.getSheetByName('...')。在这一行中抛出异常。

我认为,该GetComprehensivePortfolioData方法在一个单独的gs文件中,第一次getSheetByName调用在第 5 行。

于 2012-09-28T12:07:17.153 回答