ExtJS4:我在将我的应用程序 ExtJs 版本从 3.4.0 升级到 4.1.1a 时遇到问题。
我的 3.4.0 版本代码:
this.jsonStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
proxy : new Ext.data.HttpProxy({
url: 'rs/environments',
disableCaching: true
restful : true,
storeId : 'Environments',
idProperty: 'env',
fields : [
'ConnectionName', 'Type'
this.colmodel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
defaults: {
align: 'center'
columns: [{
header: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.connectionsHeading,
width : 140,
dataIndex: 'ConnectionName'
header: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.connectionTypeHeader,
width : 120,
dataIndex: 'Type'
config = Ext.apply({
enableHdMenu: false,
border : true,
stripeRows : true,
store : this.jsonStore,
view : new Ext.grid.GridView(),
header : false,
colModel : this.colmodel,
sm : new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: true}),
loadMask: {
msg: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.loadingmask
}, config);
我进行了以下更改以使应用程序与 ExtJs4.1.1 一起工作:
var sm = new Ext.selection.CheckboxModel( {
selectionchange: function(selectionModel, selected, options){
// Must refresh the view after every selection
// other code for this listener
var getSelectedSumFn = function(column){
return function(){
var records = myGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelection(),
result = 0;
Ext.each(records, function(record){
result += record.get(column) * 1;
return result;
var config = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
features: [{
ftype: 'summary'
store: this.jsonStore,
defaults: { // defaults are applied to items, not the container
selModel: sm,
columns: [
{header: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.connectionsHeading, width: 140, dataIndex: 'ConnectionName'},
{header: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.connectionTypeHeader, width: 120, dataIndex: 'Type'}
loadMask: {
msg: Accero.Locale.text.adminlogin.loadingmask
viewConfig: {
stripeRows: true
}, config);
通过这些更改,我在本地文件“ext-override.js”中收到错误消息,提示“this.el is not defined”。
ext-override.js 代码:
(function() {
var originalInitValue = Ext.form.TextField.prototype.initValue;
Ext.override(Ext.form.TextField, {
initValue: function() {
originalInitValue.apply( this, arguments );
if (!isNaN(this.maxLength) && (this.maxLength *1) > 0 && (this.maxLength != Number.MAX_VALUE)) {
this.el.dom.maxLength = this.maxLength *1;