I want to use a regular expression to check a string to make sure 4 and 5 are in order. I thought I could do this by doing
'$string =~ m/.45./'
I think I am going wrong somewhere. I am very new to Perl. I would honestly like to put it in an array and search through it and find out that way, but I'm assuming there is a much easier way to do it with regex.
print "input please:\n";
$input = <STDIN>;
if ($input =~ m/45/ and $input =~ m/5./) {
print "works";
else {
print "nata";
EDIT: Added Info I just want 4 and 5 in order, but if 5 comes before at all say 322195458900023 is the number then where 545 is a problem 5 always have to come right after 4.