为什么我的 data_dummy 哈希值增加了?我想用它来启动另一个零值的哈希!
fau[f.label][:hash] = data_dummy # ==>{"name 1" => 0, "name 2" => 0} but in the second loop it contains data from the first loop e.g. {"name 1" => 2, "name 2" => 0}
当使用字符串而不是变量 dummy_data 时,代码按预期工作。
fau[f.label][:hash] = {"name 1" => 0, "name 2" => 0}
我不能这样做,因为“名字 X”正在改变......
fau = {}
series = []
labels = [{:value => 0, :text => ''}]
data_dummy = {}
source.each do |c|
data_dummy[c.name] = 0
i = 0
data_dummy.each do |k,v|
i += 1
labels.push({:value => i, :text => k})
source.each do |s|
logger.debug "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
logger.debug "Source: '#{s.name}'|'#{fault_labels[s.fault_id.to_s].label}' => #{s.cnt}"
con_name = s.name #TODO: Cut name (remove location like left,right, ...)
f = fault_labels[s.fault_id.to_s]
unless fau.has_key?(f.label)
# init faults-hash 'fau'
fau[f.label] = {:total => 0, :hash => {}, :color => f.color, :name => f.label} #, :data => []
# add all connector_names as keys with value = 0
logger.debug "init :hash with #{data_dummy}" # ==>{"name 1" => 0, "name 2" => 0} but in the second loop it contains data from the first loop e.g. {"name 1" => 2, "name 2" => 0}
fau[f.label][:hash] = data_dummy
# this way the number of incidents are all in the same order for each fault (first dimension key)
# and all get at least a value of 0
logger.debug "Count up fau['#{f.label}'][:total] = #{fau[f.label][:total]} + #{s.cnt} (where connector '#{s.name}' and fault '#{f.label}')"
logger.debug "Count up fau['#{f.label}'][:hash]['#{con_name}'] = #{fau[f.label][:hash][con_name]} + #{s.cnt}"
fau[f.label][:total] += s.cnt
fau[f.label][:hash][con_name] += s.cnt
logger.debug "result :hash with #{fau[f.label][:hash].inspect}}"