


我尝试了 while/for/foereach 相同的结果。


 function add_fit($fitting)
        // Save raw fit
        $eft = $fitting;

        // Clean for import
        $fit = trim($fitting);
        $lines = explode("\n", $fit);
        $lines = array_filter($lines, 'trim');

        // Split first line for name and type
        $details = str_replace('[', '', $lines[0]);
        $details = str_replace(']', '', $details);
        $split_details = explode(', ', $details);

        $ship = $split_details[0];
        $name = $split_details[1];

        foreach ($lines as $line => $module) {
            if(strstr($module, '[empty '))

        $all = array();
        foreach ($lines as $index => $segment) {
            array_push($all, $segment);

        $modules = array();
        for($i = 1; $i < count($all); $i++)
                $modules[$all[$i]] = $modules[$all[$i]]+1;
            } else {
                $modules[$all[$i]] = 1;



The $fitting is as follows:

[Thrasher, Buffer Thrasher]
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II

Small F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Small F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
1MN MicroWarpdrive I

280mm Howitzer Artillery II
280mm Howitzer Artillery II
280mm Howitzer Artillery II
280mm Howitzer Artillery II
280mm Howitzer Artillery II
280mm Howitzer Artillery II
280mm Howitzer Artillery II
[empty high slot]

Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Ancillary Current Router I

And the method returns:
  'Gyrostabilizer II'                    => int 2
  'Small F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction' => int 2
  '1MN MicroWarpdrive I'                 => int 1
  '280mm Howitzer Artillery II'          => int 7
  'Small Ancillary Current Router I'     => int 2
  'Small Ancillary Current Router I'     => int 1

While it should return:
  'Gyrostabilizer II'                    => int 2
  'Small F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction' => int 2
  '1MN MicroWarpdrive I'                 => int 1
  '280mm Howitzer Artillery II'          => int 7
  'Small Ancillary Current Router I'     => int 3   <-- Like this


2 回答 2


您的输入中必须有一些非打印字符,因为哈希不能具有具有多个值的相同键(这是您的输出显示的 - 的两个键Small Ancillary Current Router I,它们必须不同,因为它们具有不同的值......)


解决方案是更好地清理您的输入 - 看起来您可能应该在您的清理部分添加一些内容。. . 也许像这样剥离 UTF,或者如果这是您输入的最后一行,则可能有一个 EOF 字符。. .


5 => string 'Small Ancillary Current Router I' (length=33) 
6 => string 'Small Ancillary Current Router I' (length=32)

请注意,一个是 33,另一个是 32,这意味着非打印字符会导致差异。此处描述了一种删除所有非打印字符的霰弹枪方法。要在您的代码中实现:

    $all = array();
    foreach ($lines as $segment) {
        $all[] = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/', '', $segment);
于 2012-09-27T22:36:38.430 回答

您可能应该使用array_key_exists()而不是 isset。原因可以在this SO question中看到


foreach ($lines as $index => $segment) { 
    array_push($all, $segment); 


foreach ($lines as $index => $segment) { 
    array_push($all, trim($segment)); 

顺便说一句:o7 安全飞行 ;-)


<!DOCTYPE html>


$whatever = "[Thrasher, Buffer Thrasher] 
Gyrostabilizer II 
Gyrostabilizer II 

Small F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction 
Small F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction 
1MN MicroWarpdrive I 

280mm Howitzer Artillery II 
280mm Howitzer Artillery II 
280mm Howitzer Artillery II 
280mm Howitzer Artillery II 
280mm Howitzer Artillery II 
280mm Howitzer Artillery II 
280mm Howitzer Artillery II 
[empty high slot] 

Small Ancillary Current Router I 
Small Ancillary Current Router I 
Small Ancillary Current Router I";

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

 function add_fit($fitting) 
        // Save raw fit 
        $eft = $fitting; 

        // Clean for import 
        $fit = trim($fitting); 
        $lines = explode("\n", $fit); 
        $lines = array_filter($lines, 'trim'); 

        // Split first line for name and type 
        $details = str_replace('[', '', $lines[0]); 
        $details = str_replace(']', '', $details); 
        $split_details = explode(', ', $details); 

        $ship = $split_details[0]; 
        $name = $split_details[1]; 

        foreach ($lines as $line => $module) { 
            if(strstr($module, '[empty ')) 

        $all = array(); 
        foreach ($lines as $index => $segment) { 
            array_push($all, trim($segment)); 

        $modules = array(); 
        for($i = 1; $i < count($all); $i++) 
                $modules[$all[$i]] = $modules[$all[$i]]+1; 
            } else { 
                $modules[$all[$i]] = 1; 

        return $modules; 


于 2012-09-27T22:29:06.137 回答