随着几个 CSS 引导程序和样板的出现,是否没有一个程序可以抓取某个目录(元素、类、id)中的所有标签并从一个较少的文件中删除所有未使用的内容并编译为 CSS 文件?这不会节省大量空间吗?如果您知道,请告诉我。
// this is the sheet for the global layout and is needed for every page
@import "reset.less";
@import "util.less"; // these are all mixins for grids, clearfix, gradients, etc..
@import "typography.less"; // fontface, basic typo grid
@import "brand.less"; //mixins for colors, brand specific sprites, etc..
@import "components.less"; // these are rules for components that might be used anywhere
/* rules for global layout and default element styles follow */
// this is the view/page specific sheet
@import "util.less"; // these are all mixins for grids, clearfix, gradients, etc..
@import "typography.less"; // fontface, basic typo grid
@import "brand.less"; //mixins for colors, brand specific sprites, etc..
@import "viewname.components.less"; // set of component styles used only for this view
// this is a "roll up" sheet that imports different componets used in this specific view
// this way i can each component separate but still use them in different views.
@import "somewidget.component.less";
@import "someotherwidget.component.less";
所以基本上我只包含 2 个样式表作为基础样式表和一个用于视图的样式表。在交付之前,所有内容都在服务器端进行编译和缩小