是否可以使用 Big Query 命令行工具从 json 文件(不仅仅是 csv)加载数据?我可以使用 GUI 加载一个简单的 json 文件,但是,命令行假定为 csv,并且我没有看到任何有关如何指定 json 的文档。

这是我正在使用的简单 json 文件


使用模式 col:STRING


3 回答 3


从 2.0.12 版开始,bq 允许上传以换行符分隔的 JSON 文件。这是一个完成这项工作的示例命令:

bq load --source_format NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON datasetName.tableName data.json schema.json

如上所述,“bq help load”将为您提供所有详细信息。

于 2013-04-29T12:55:21.977 回答


2) 文档在这里。转至步骤 3:上传文档中的表格。

3)您必须使用 --source_format 标志告诉 bq 您正在上传 JSON 文件而不是 csv。


bq load [--source_format=NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON] [--project_id=your_project_id] destination_data_set.destination_table data_source_uri table_schema

bq load --project_id=my_project_bq dataset_name.bq_table_name gs://bucket_name/json_file_name.json path_to_schema_in_your_machine

5)您可以通过以下方式找到其他 bq 负载变体

bq help load   
于 2015-07-29T17:21:42.680 回答

它不支持 JSON 格式的数据加载。以下是最新 bq 版本 2.0.9 的命令的文档 ( bq help load) :load

USAGE: bq [--global_flags] <command> [--command_flags] [args]

load     Perform a load operation of source into destination_table.

     load <destination_table> <source> [<schema>]

     The <destination_table> is the fully-qualified table name of table to create, or append to if the table already exists.

     The <source> argument can be a path to a single local file, or a comma-separated list of URIs.

     The <schema> argument should be either the name of a JSON file or a text schema. This schema should be omitted if the table already has one.

     In the case that the schema is provided in text form, it should be a comma-separated list of entries of the form name[:type], where type will default
     to string if not specified.

     In the case that <schema> is a filename, it should contain a single array object, each entry of which should be an object with properties 'name',
     'type', and (optionally) 'mode'. See the online documentation for more detail:

     Note: the case of a single-entry schema with no type specified is
     ambiguous; one can use name:string to force interpretation as a
     text schema.

     bq load ds.new_tbl ./info.csv ./info_schema.json
     bq load ds.new_tbl gs://mybucket/info.csv ./info_schema.json
     bq load ds.small gs://mybucket/small.csv name:integer,value:string
     bq load ds.small gs://mybucket/small.csv field1,field2,field3

     destination_table: Destination table name.
     source: Name of local file to import, or a comma-separated list of
     URI paths to data to import.
     schema: Either a text schema or JSON file, as above.

     Flags for load:

  --[no]allow_quoted_newlines: Whether to allow quoted newlines in CSV import data.
  -E,--encoding: <UTF-8|ISO-8859-1>: The character encoding used by the input file. Options include:
    ISO-8859-1 (also known as Latin-1)
  -F,--field_delimiter: The character that indicates the boundary between columns in the input file. "\t" and "tab" are accepted names for tab.
  --max_bad_records: Maximum number of bad records allowed before the entire job fails.
    (default: '0')
    (an integer)
  --[no]replace: If true erase existing contents before loading new data.
    (default: 'false')
  --schema: Either a filename or a comma-separated list of fields in the form name[:type].
  --skip_leading_rows: The number of rows at the beginning of the source file to skip.
    (an integer)

  --flagfile: Insert flag definitions from the given file into the command line.
    (default: '')
  --undefok: comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify on the command line even if the program does not define a flag with that name.
    IMPORTANT: flags in this list that have arguments MUST use the --flag=value format.
    (default: '')
于 2012-09-28T08:32:01.717 回答