
 HasRequired(n => n.Author);


public class Member : Identity
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public Address Address { get; set; }
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<News> News { get; set; }


public class News
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Subtile { get; set; }
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Url { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateAdded { get; set; }

    public virtual Member Author;

public class NewsMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<News>
    public NewsMap()

        HasKey(n => n.Id);
        Property(n => n.Id).

        Property(t => t.Title)
        Property(t => t.Subtile)
        Property(t => t.Url)
        Property(t => t.DateAdded).HasColumnName("DateAdded")

        HasRequired(n => n.Author); //is this enough for the foreing key to be set?


public class MemberMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Member>
    public MemberMap()
        // Primary Key
        this.HasKey(t => t.Id);

        // Properties
        this.Property(t => t.FirstName)

        this.Property(t => t.LastName)

        this.Property(t => t.Email)

        this.Property(t => t.Address.Id)

        this.Property(t => t.Address.ZipCode)

        this.Property(t => t.Address.Contry)

        this.Property(t => t.Address.City)

        this.Property(t => t.Id);

        // Table & Column Mappings
        this.Property(t => t.FirstName).HasColumnName("FirstName");
        this.Property(t => t.LastName).HasColumnName("LastName");
        this.Property(t => t.Email).HasColumnName("Email");
        this.Property(t => t.Id).HasColumnName("Id");

        // Relationships


1 回答 1


感谢@Gert 的回答

那还不够。实在是太多了。嗯,严格来说。FK 甚至会在没有HasRequired. 有了它,FK 将不能为空。

于 2012-10-01T19:54:08.047 回答