我在玩 JQuery 和 Table 时卡住了


我的表单有 3 个组合框,其中 3 个是动态的(组合框的值从数据库加载)

当用户进入文本框并单击添加按钮时,来自组合框和文本框的值将附加到表单下的 div 中



     |  Express   | Standard | Premium

法国 | _ __ _ _ 10 _ __ _ __|_ _ __ _ ___ | 20

英格兰 | _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ |_ _ __ 30__ |

葡萄牙 | _ ___ 50 _ __ _ __ |__ _ __ _ __ _ _ | 80


当用户单击从组合框中选择国家并从组合框中选择模式(我的意思是标准 - 快递等...)然后在文本框中输入数字时,它将出现在表单下(我使用 div 并将表格附加到 div 或附加表格到表中),然后它可以获得值并将其添加到我想要的列中

示例首先单击我选择法国 - Express 和 20,第二次单击我选择 Endland 和 Standard 和 30,再次单击第三次我选择 France 和 Premium,值为 15

另一个问题 - 我有一个提供者组合框,这意味着 Express 有许多提供者,如 Express 1 - Express 2 - Express 3,等等。

当我再次选择 France 和 Express 但不同的提供商时,它将添加到 Express 列和 France Row 这个值





_ __ _ _ | 表达

法国 | 20

================================================== 第二点击

   |    Express_____ |    Standard 

法国 | _ ___ 20__ _ __ _ __ |

英格兰| _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___ | 30


==================================================== ===

   __|    Express |    Standard   |     Premium

法国 | _ __ _ __ 20 _ __|__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___ | 15

英格兰| _ __ _ __ _ __ _ ___| _ __ _ ___30 _ __ _ |

==================================================== ===


_ _ __|__表达__| __ 标准 | 优质的

法国|快递1 20 |__ _ __ _ ____ | 高级 1 15,高级 3 20

英格兰| _ __ _ __ _ __ _ | 标准2 30 |

==================================================== ===========


    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
          $("#btAdd").click(function() {
                            var txtCost = $('#txtCost').val();
                            var ctryID = $('#CountryID').val();
                            var ctryName = $('#CountryID option:selected').text();
                            var modeID = $('#ModeID').val();
                            var modeName = $('#ModeID option:selected').text();
                            var ProviderID = $('#ProviderID').val();
                            var ProviderName = $('#ProviderID option:selected').text();
                            var HeaderTitle = $('#HeaderTitle').length;
                            var modenameID = $('#modeNameID'+modeName).text();
                            var CountryID = $('#Country'+ctryID).text();

                            if(HeaderTitle == 0){                                
                                    '<tr id="HeaderTitle"><td></td><td id="modeNameID'+modeName+'">'+modeName+'</td><tr>'
                               if(modeName != modenameID){
                                        '<td id="modeNameID'+modeName+'">'+modeName+'</td>'

                           if(CountryID != ctryName){
                                    '<tr id="nameCTR'+ctryID+'"><td id="Country'+ctryID+'">'+ctryName+'</td></tr>'


                            if(CountryID != ctryName && modeName != modenameID){
                                        '<td id="cost'+txtCost+'">'+txtCost+'</td>'
                            if(CountryID != ctryName && modeName == modenameID){
                                        '<td id="cost'+txtCost+'">'+txtCost+'</td>'
                            if(CountryID == ctryName && modeName != modenameID){
                                        '<td id="cost'+txtCost+'">'+txtCost+'</td>'

                            if (CountryID == ctryName && modeName == modenameID){

        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td><input  style="width:100px;" type="text" name="txtCost" id="txtCost" value=""/></td>
                <select id="CountryID">
                  <option value="1">France</option>
                  <option value="2">USA</option>
                  <option value="3">Poland</option>
                  <option value="4">Vietnam</option>
                <select id="ModeID">
                  <option value="p1">Express</option>
                  <option value="p2">Standard</option>
                  <option value="P3">Premium</option>

                <select id="ProviderID">
                  <option value="A1">A1</option>
                  <option value="A2">A2</option>
                  <option value="A3">A3</option>

                <input type="button" id="btAdd" name="btAdd" value="Add"/>
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="tblAppend">

1 回答 1



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    $(document).ready(function () {
        $("#btAdd").click(function () {
            var txtCost = $('#txtCost').val();
            var ctryID = $('#CountryID').val();
            var ctryName = $('#CountryID option:selected').text();
            var modeID = $('#ModeID').val();
            var modeName = $('#ModeID option:selected').text();
            var ProviderID = $('#ProviderID').val();
            var ProviderName = $('#ProviderID option:selected').text();
            var HeaderTitle = $('#HeaderTitle').length;
            var modenameID = $('#modeNameID' + modeName).text();
            var CountryID = $('#Country' + ctryID).text();

            if (HeaderTitle == 0) {
                                    '<tr id="HeaderTitle"><td></td><td id="modeNameID' + modeName + '">' + modeName + '</td><tr>'
            } else {
                if (modeName != modenameID) {
                                        '<td id="modeNameID' + modeName + '">' + modeName + '</td>'

            if (CountryID != ctryName) {
                                    '<tr id="nameCTR' + ctryID + '"><td id="Country' + ctryID + '">' + ctryName + '</td></tr>'


            if (CountryID != ctryName && modeName != modenameID) {
                $('#nameCTR' + ctryID).append(
                                        '<td id="mode' + ctryID + modeID + '"><div id="cost' + ctryID + ProviderID + modeID + '">' + ProviderName + ":" + txtCost + '</div></td>'
            if (CountryID != ctryName && modeName == modenameID) {
                $('#nameCTR' + ctryID).append(
                                        '<td id="mode' + ctryID + modeID + '"><div id="cost' + ctryID + ProviderID + modeID + '">' + ProviderName + ":" + txtCost + '</div></td>'
            if (CountryID == ctryName && modeName != modenameID) {
                $('#nameCTR' + ctryID).append(
                                        '<td id="mode' + ctryID + modeID + '"><div id="cost' + ctryID + ProviderID + modeID + '">' + ProviderName + ":" + txtCost + '</div></td>'

            if (CountryID == ctryName && modeName == modenameID) {
                //tr level chek if a mode is avila or not
                    var contain = false;
                    $('#nameCTR' + ctryID).find('td').each(function (id, val) {                        
                        if ($(this).attr('id') == ("mode" + ctryID + modeID)) {
                            contain = true;
                    if (contain == false) {
                        //add cell to country
                        $('#nameCTR' + ctryID).append(
                                        '<td id="mode' + ctryID + modeID + '"><div id="cost' + ctryID + ProviderID + modeID + '">' + ProviderName + ":" + txtCost + '</div></td>'

                //td lelvel entry of value depend on provider
                    if ($('#mode' + ctryID + modeID).find('div').text().indexOf(ProviderName) != -1) {
                        $('#cost' + ctryID + ProviderID + modeID).append(
                                    '$' + txtCost
                    } else {
                        $('#mode' + ctryID + modeID).append(
                                        '<div id="cost' + ctryID + ProviderID + modeID + '">' + ProviderName + ":" + txtCost + '</div>'

        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <td><input  style="width:100px;" type="text" name="txtCost" id="txtCost" value=""/></td>
                <select id="CountryID">
                  <option value="1">France</option>
                  <option value="2">USA</option>
                  <option value="3">Poland</option>
                  <option value="4">Vietnam</option>
                <select id="ModeID">
                  <option value="p1">Express</option>
                  <option value="p2">Standard</option>
                  <option value="P3">Premium</option>

                <select id="ProviderID">
                  <option value="A1">A1</option>
                  <option value="A2">A2</option>
                  <option value="A3">A3</option>

                <input type="button" id="btAdd" name="btAdd" value="Add"/>
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="tblAppend">

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于 2012-10-29T12:28:16.890 回答