我认为您应该考虑将此应用程序转移到 Access 或其他数据库。该答案的其余部分假设目前这是不可能的。
With Worksheets("Input")
End With
With Worksheets("Output")
End With
我会 :
- 将整个 UsedRange 从 Worksheet Input 上传到 Array1
- 分析 Array1 以确定工作表输出的大小
- 创建一个适当大小的 Array2
- 将数据从 Array1 移动到 Array2
- 将 Array2 下载到工作表输出。
- 未链接到特定年份的列在左侧。
- 对于每一年,都有相同顺序的相同列。
- 所有标题单元格具有相同的前景色和背景色以及相同的单个粗体状态。
- 数据单元格的水平对齐是数据类型的默认设置。
- 不需要为每个客户/产品组合提供每年的数据。
- 第一个数据行的数字格式可以应用于所有行。
- 年份列块的第一列的第 1 行中的值可用于输出中的年份列。
我创建了工作表输入并创建了 20 个数据行。我将数据行 3 到 22 向下复制以创建 5,000 个数据行。我认为这是您数据的公平表示:


对于 5,000 行,宏需要大约 0.1 秒来复制数据,大约需要 0.05 秒来应用格式。
在代码中,我包含了注释来说明我在做什么以及我为什么这样做,但是解释 VBA 语句的注释并不多。例如第一个语句是Option Explicit
. 在 VB 帮助中查找此内容很容易,或者您可以在 Internet 上搜索“Excel VBA Option Explicit”。如有必要,请回来提出问题。
Option Explicit
Sub Reformat()
Dim CellHeaderColourBack As Long
Dim CellHeaderColourFore As Long
Dim CellHeaderBold As Boolean
Dim CellInValue() As Variant
Dim CellOutHeaderHAlign() As Long
Dim CellOutNumberFormat() As String
Dim CellOutValue() As Variant
Dim ColInCrnt As Long
Dim ColInCrnt2 As Long
Dim ColInMax As Long
Dim ColOutCrnt As Long
Dim ColOutMax As Long
Dim ColWidth() As Single
Dim NumRowsData As Long
Dim RowInCrnt As Long
Dim RowInMax As Long
Dim RowOutCrnt As Long
Dim RowOutMax As Long
Dim TimeStart As Single
' I use constants to define values that might change. For example, you have
' two header rows so the first data row is 3.
' "For RowCrnt = RowDataFirst to RowMax" instead of
' "For RowCrnt = 3 to RowMax"
' makes the code easier to understand and makes it easy to update the code
' if you add another header row.
Const RowDataFirst As Long = 3 ' First data row
Const NumNonYearCols As Long = 4 ' Number of columns not linked to a year
Const NumColsPerYear As Long = 2 ' Number of columns per year
TimeStart = Timer ' Seconds since midnight
With Worksheets("Input")
' There are several ways of identifying the last column and the last row.
' None work in every situation. I think this method should be satisfactory
' for your worksheet although there is a warning later about ColMax.
ColInMax = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
RowInMax = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
' Debug.Print output to the Immediate Window. I have left diagnostic
' outputs within the code. Delete once you have adapted the code to
' your requirements.
Debug.Print "ColInMax=" & ColInMax & " RowInMax=" & RowInMax
' I never did much programming in C++ or Java but I never used a language
' that did not have an Assert statement of some kind.
' A key assumption of the code is that the the number of columns is of the
' form: NumNonYearCols + NunYears * NumColsPerYear.
' The interpreter will stop on this statement if this assumption is untrue.
' If the interpreter does stop even though you think the assumption is true,
' you will probably have a stray value or formatted cell to the right of the
' main data table. Try deleting columns to the right of the data table.
' Alternatively, set ColInMax = NumNonYearCols + NumYears * NumColsPerYear
' so the extract ignores anything outside the data table.
Debug.Assert (ColInMax - NumNonYearCols) Mod NumColsPerYear = 0
' Load all values within the worksheet to the array CellValue.
CellInValue = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(RowInMax, ColInMax)).Value
' CellInValue will now be a two dimensional array. Dimension 1 will be for
' rows and dimension 2 will be for columns. This is not conventional for
' arrays but matches the VBA for accessing cells.
' The lower bound for both dimensions will be 1.
' Record the formatting of cell A1 so this can be applied to all header
' cells in worksheet Output. If the formatting is more complicated than
' this, it will probably be easier to copy and paste the header rows from
' the input to the output worksheet.
With .Cells(1, 1)
CellHeaderColourBack = .Interior.Color
CellHeaderColourFore = .Font.Color
' Warning the bold state of a cell will be non-boolean if
' some characters are bold and some are not.
CellHeaderBold = .Font.Bold
End With
' Calculate number of columns in worksheet Output
ColOutMax = NumNonYearCols + 1 + NumColsPerYear
' Record column widths and number formats for first data row and horizontal
' alignment for last header row.
' The column widths will be applied to the relevant output columns
' The number formats will be applied to data cells in the relevant
' output column.
' The horizontal alignments will be applied to header cells in the
' relevant output column.
ReDim ColWidth(1 To ColOutMax)
ReDim CellOutNumberFormat(1 To ColOutMax)
ReDim CellOutHeaderHAlign(1 To ColOutMax)
ColOutCrnt = 1
' Non-year-linked columns
For ColInCrnt = 1 To NumNonYearCols
ColWidth(ColOutCrnt) = .Columns(ColInCrnt).ColumnWidth
CellOutNumberFormat(ColOutCrnt) = _
.Cells(RowDataFirst, ColInCrnt).NumberFormat
CellOutHeaderHAlign(ColOutCrnt) = _
.Cells(RowDataFirst - 1, ColInCrnt).HorizontalAlignment
ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1
' Year column
ColWidth(ColOutCrnt) = 5
CellOutNumberFormat(ColOutCrnt) = "General"
CellOutHeaderHAlign(ColOutCrnt) = xlRight
ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1
' Year-linked columns
For ColInCrnt = NumNonYearCols + 1 To NumNonYearCols + NumColsPerYear
ColWidth(ColOutCrnt) = .Columns(ColInCrnt).ColumnWidth
CellOutNumberFormat(ColOutCrnt) = _
.Cells(RowDataFirst, ColInCrnt).NumberFormat
CellOutHeaderHAlign(ColOutCrnt) = _
.Cells(RowDataFirst - 1, ColInCrnt).HorizontalAlignment
ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1
End With
' I have now extracted everything I want from worksheet Input.
' Worksheet Output will have 1 data row per value in a Quantity column.
' Count these values.
NumRowsData = 0
For RowInCrnt = RowDataFirst To RowInMax
For ColInCrnt = NumNonYearCols + 1 To ColInMax Step NumColsPerYear
If CellInValue(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt) <> "" Then
NumRowsData = NumRowsData + 1
End If
Debug.Print NumRowsData
' Size CellOutValue so it can hold all the data for Worksheet Output.
' ColOutMax = NumNonYearCols + 1 + NumColsPerYear ' Calculated earlier
RowOutMax = RowDataFirst - 1 + NumRowsData
ReDim CellOutValue(1 To RowOutMax, 1 To ColOutMax)
' Build new header rows.
' Copy header cells for non-year-linked columns
RowOutCrnt = 1
For RowInCrnt = 1 To RowDataFirst - 1
ColOutCrnt = 1
For ColInCrnt = 1 To NumNonYearCols
CellOutValue(RowOutCrnt, ColOutCrnt) = CellInValue(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt)
ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1
RowOutCrnt = RowOutCrnt + 1
' Create header for new column
CellOutValue(RowDataFirst - 1, ColOutCrnt) = "Year"
' Copy one set of year-linked column header cells
RowOutCrnt = 2 ' Row 1 holds year numbers
For RowInCrnt = 2 To RowDataFirst - 1
ColOutCrnt = NumNonYearCols + 2
For ColInCrnt = NumNonYearCols + 1 To NumNonYearCols + NumColsPerYear
CellOutValue(RowOutCrnt, ColOutCrnt) = _
CellInValue(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt)
ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1
RowOutCrnt = RowOutCrnt + 1
' Copy data
RowOutCrnt = RowDataFirst
For RowInCrnt = RowDataFirst To RowInMax
For ColInCrnt = NumNonYearCols + 1 To ColInMax Step NumColsPerYear
' This for-loop tracks the first column of each block of year columns
If CellInValue(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt) <> "" Then
' There is data for this year for this customer/product
' Copy non-year-linked data
ColOutCrnt = 1
For ColInCrnt2 = 1 To NumNonYearCols
CellOutValue(RowOutCrnt, ColOutCrnt) = _
CellInValue(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt2)
ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1
' Copy year
CellOutValue(RowOutCrnt, ColOutCrnt) = CellInValue(1, ColInCrnt)
ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1
' Copy year-linked data
For ColInCrnt2 = ColInCrnt To ColInCrnt + NumColsPerYear - 1
CellOutValue(RowOutCrnt, ColOutCrnt) = _
CellInValue(RowInCrnt, ColInCrnt2)
ColOutCrnt = ColOutCrnt + 1
RowOutCrnt = RowOutCrnt + 1
End If
With Worksheets("Output")
' Delete any existing value
' Download contents of CellOutValue
.Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(RowOutMax, ColOutMax)).Value = CellOutValue
'Set formatting. Selection formats from the input worksheet were saved at
' the beginning. Applying these formats to the output worksheet is not
' necessary but makes the process a little smoother.
For RowOutCrnt = 1 To RowDataFirst - 1
For ColOutCrnt = 1 To ColOutMax
With .Cells(RowOutCrnt, ColOutCrnt)
.Interior.Color = CellHeaderColourBack
.Font.Color = CellHeaderColourFore
.Font.Bold = CellHeaderBold
.HorizontalAlignment = CellOutHeaderHAlign(ColOutCrnt)
End With
For ColOutCrnt = 1 To ColOutMax
.Columns(ColOutCrnt).ColumnWidth = ColWidth(ColOutCrnt)
.Range(.Cells(RowDataFirst, ColOutCrnt), _
.Cells(RowOutMax, ColOutCrnt)).NumberFormat _
= CellOutNumberFormat(ColOutCrnt)
End With
Debug.Print "Duration " & Timer - TimeStart
End Sub