我正在 django 中进行一些服务器端 ajax 加载。
def cmdb_list_page_server_side(request):
#do not prepare data in view (as in above view), data will be retrieved using ajax call (see get_countries_list below).
return render_to_response('cmdb/list.html', locals(), context_instance = RequestContext(request))
def get_cmdb_list(request):
#prepare the params
#initial querySet
querySet = CMDB.objects.all()
#columnIndexNameMap is required for correct sorting behavior
columnIndexNameMap = {
3 :'ostype',
4 :'hostname',
5 :'cpu',
6 :'mem',
7 :'rootdisk',
8 :'storagetype',
9 :'location',
10 :'enclosure',
11 :'position1',
12 :'position2',
13 :'unit',
14 :'serviceIP',
15 :'manufacture',
16 :'seller',
17 :'machinemodel',
18 :'machinecode',
19 :'serialnumber',
20 :'appearance',
21 :'archtype',
22 :'partition',
23 :'storagesize',
24 :'applevel',
25 :'domains',
26 :'netnote',
27 :'gateway',
28 :'mask',
29 :'serviceport',
30 :'ha',
31 :'hbIP1',
32 :'hbIP2',
33 :'hardwarecharge',
34 :'systemcharge',
35 :'appcharge',
36 :'managegateway',
37 :'managemask',
38 :'repairlevel',
39 :'repairdate',
40 :'dbinfo',
41 :'middlewareinfo',
42 :'nonsysusers',
43 :'note',
#path to template used to generate json (optional)
jsonTemplatePath = 'cmdb/json_cmdb.txt'
#call to generic function from utils
return get_datatables_records(request, querySet, columnIndexNameMap,jsonTemplatePath)
sEcho: {{sEcho}},
iTotalRecords: {{iTotalRecords}},
iTotalDisplayRecords: {{iTotalDisplayRecords}},
{% for item in querySet %}
"{{ item.envcode }}",
"{{ item.appname }}",
"{{ item.sysip }}",
"{{ item.ostype }}",
"{{ item.hostname }}",
"{{ item.cpu }}",
"{{ item.mem }}",
"{{ item.rootdisk }}",
"{{ item.storagetype }}",
"{{ item.location }}",
"{{ item.enclosure }}",
"{{ item.position1 }}",
"{{ item.position2 }}",
"{{ item.unit }}",
"{{ item.serviceIP }}",
"{{ item.manufacture }}",
"{{ item.seller }}",
"{{ item.machinemodel }}",
"{{ item.machinecode }}",
"{{ item.serialnumber }}",
"{{ item.appearance }}",
"{{ item.archtype }}",
"{{ item.partition }}",
"{{ item.storagesize }}",
"{{ item.applevel }}",
"{{ item.domains }}",
"{{ item.netnote }}",
"{{ item.gateway }}",
"{{ item.mask }}",
"{{ item.serviceport }}",
"{{ item.ha }}",
"{{ item.hbIP1 }}",
"{{ item.hbIP2 }}",
"{{ item.hardwarecharge }}",
"{{ item.systemcharge }}",
"{{ item.appcharge }}",
"{{ item.managegateway }}",
"{{ item.managemask }}",
"{{ item.repairlevel }}",
"{{ item.repairdate }}",
"{{ item.note }}",
"{{ item.dbinfo }}",
"{{ item.middlewareinfo }}",
"{{ item.nonsysusers }}",
{% if not forloop.last %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
最后,我从 webbrowser(Chrome) 收到错误警报窗口,提示数据表格式错误。使用萤火虫,我收到如下错误消息:
PS我的ajax返回值包含中文。我想知道这是根本原因。Ajax 返回如下:
sEcho: 1,
iTotalRecords: 1178,
iTotalDisplayRecords: 1178,
"windows 2003 64bit",
"Redhat 64bit",
"AIX 6.1",
"Redhat 64bit",
"AIX 6.1",
"HPUX 11.23",
"十一月 19, 2009",
"HPUX 11.23",
"四月 13, 2010",