我是编程新手,正在尝试通过使用 python 参加介绍课程来学习它。
- 如果随机和用户生成的整数都匹配 print blah1
- 如果用户生成的整数与反向随机生成的整数具有相同的两位数,则打印 blah2
- 如果用户生成的整数有一位与随机生成的整数相同,则打印 blah3。
# homework 2
# problem 1
# lottery guessing program
# the program randomly generates a two-digit number, prompts the user to enter a two-digit number,
# and determines whether the user wins according to the following rules:
# 1. if both digits match in the right order, you will win $10,000.
# 2. if both digits match, but in the reversed order, you will win $3,000.
# 3. if you match one digit in either place, you will win $1,000
import random
print("guess a number. if both digits match in the right order, you will win $10,000."\
"\nif both digits match, but in the reversed order, you will win $3,000." \
"\nif you match one digit in either place, you will win $1,000." \
"\nif you don't match any digits, you do not win anything.")
# random variables
rand_num1 = str(random.randint(1,9))
rand_num2 = str(random.randint(1,9))
#ask user for number
user_num1 = input("what is your first number? ")
user_num2 = input("what is your second number? ")
#for testing purposes, if testing, comment out the previous two lines
#combd_num = (str(rand_num1)) + (str(rand_num2))
#revsd_num = (str(rand_num2)) + (str(rand_num1))
#user_num1 = input("what is your first number? ")
#user_num2 = input("what is your second number? ")
#ucomb_num = (str(user_num1)) + (str(user_num2))
#output the numbers
print("the number is, ", (rand_num1 + rand_num2),"\
\nyour number is, ", (user_num1 + user_num2), sep="")
#elif statement
if (user_num1 + user_num2) == (rand_num1 + rand_num2):
print("you guessed the exact number. you win $10,000!")
elif (user_num2 + user_num1) == (rand_num1 + rand_num2):
print("you guessed both digits but in reverse. you win $3,000!")
elif user_num1 == rand_num1 and user_num2 != rand_num2:
print("you guessed one digit right. you win $1,000!")
elif user_num1 == rand_num2 and user_num2 != rand_num2:
print("you guessed one digit right. you win $1,000!")
elif user_num2 == rand_num1 and user_num1 != rand_num2:
print("you guessed one digit right. you win $1,000!")
elif user_num2 == rand_num2 and user_num1 != rand_num2:
print("you guessed one digit right. you win $1,000!")
print("sorry, you didn't guess the right number.")