Django 在他们的文档中声明所有查询集都会自动缓存,。但他们对这个功能的细节并不是特别具体。
他们给出的示例是将 qs 保存在 python 变量中,第一个之后的后续调用将从缓存中获取。
queryset = Entry.objects.all()
print([p.headline for p in queryset]) # 评估查询集。
print([p.pub_date for p in queryset]) # 重用评估中的缓存。
# When the user loads the homepage, call number one (not cached)
def home(request):
entries = Entry.objects.filter(something)
return render_to_response(...)
# Call number two, is this cached automatically? Or do I need to import cache and
# manually do it? This is the same method as above, called twice
def home(request):
entries = Entry.objects.filter(something)
return render_to_response(...)