我走了一条不同的路线:我希望 MemoryUsage 有用。显然不是...
我运行一个遍历多个文件的 vba 脚本(因为访问无法处理任何太大的文件);并将它们附加到表格中,对其进行转换,然后吐出摘要。
快速的答案是从任务管理器中提取内存使用量,然后如果它超过 1 GB;暂停子程序,以免损坏记录进入。
使用 readfile 函数插入此内存使用函数。
您将需要在代码中创建一个 if 语句,说明:
dim memory as long
memory = memory_usage
' 1000000 ~ 1 GB
If memory > 1000000 then
End Sub
end if
[path to file] = "C:\….\ShellOutputfile.txt"
Function Memory_Usage() as Long
Dim lines As Long
Dim linestring As String
Shell "tasklist /fi " & """IMAGENAME EQ MSACCESS.EXE""" & ">" & """[path to file]"""
lines = CInt(get_listing_data("[path to file]", 1, 0))
linestring = get_listing_data("[path to file]", 2, 4)
linestring = Right(linestring, 11)
linestring = Replace(linestring, " K", "") ' K
linestring = Replace(linestring, " ", "")
lines = CLng(linestring)
Memory_Usage = lines
End Function
Public Function get_listing_data(PATH As String, Choice As Integer, typeofreading As Integer) As String
' parse in the variable, of which value you need.
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Dim tmp_var_str As String
Dim fso, ts, fileObj, filename
Dim textline As String
Dim tmp_result As String
Dim TMP_PATH As String
Dim tmpchoice As Integer
Dim tor As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
' type of reading determines what loop is used
' type of reading = 0; to bypass; > 0, you are choosing a line to read.
counter = 0
tmp_var_str = var_str
tmp_result = ""
tor = typeofreading
' choice = 1 (count the lines)
' choice = 2 (read a specific line)
tmpchoice = Choice
' Create the file, and obtain a file object for the file.
If Right(PATH, 1) = "\" Then TMP_PATH = Left(PATH, Len(PATH) - 1)
filename = TMP_PATH '& "\Profit_Recognition.ini"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fileObj = fso.GetFile(filename)
' Open a text stream for output.
Set ts = fileObj.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault)
Do While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True
If tmpchoice = 1 Then
counter = counter + 1
textline = ts.ReadLine
tmp_result = CStr(counter)
End If
If tmpchoice = 2 Then
counter = counter + 1
tmp_result = ts.ReadLine
If counter = tor Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
get_listing_data = tmp_result
End Function