#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef struct
{char cust_name[25];
char add_one[20];
char add_two[20];
ORDER order;
int main(void){
system ( "clear" );
//initialize variables
double number_ordered = 0;
double price;
char bike;
char risky;
double m = 359.95;
double s = 279.95;
//inputs for order
printf("Enter Customer Information\n");
printf("Customer Name: ");
scanf(" %[^\n]s", &order.cust_name);
printf("\nEnter Street Address: ");
scanf(" %[^\n]s", &order.add_one);
printf("\nEnter City, State, and ZIP: ");
scanf(" %[^\n]s", &order.add_two);
printf("\nHow Many Bicycles Are Ordered: ");
scanf(" %d", &number_ordered);
printf("\nWhat Type Of Bike Is Ordered\n M Mountain Bike \n S Street Bike");
printf("\nChoose One (M or S): ");
scanf(" %c", &bike);
printf("\nIs The Customer Risky (Y/N): ");
scanf(" %c", &risky);
system ( "clear" );
//print order
printf("\n**********Shipping Instructions**********");
printf("\nTo: %s\n %s\n %s", order.cust_name, order.add_one, order.add_two);
if (bike == 'M' || bike == 'm')
printf("\n\nShip: %d Mountain Bikes", number_ordered);
printf("\n\nShip: %d Street Bikes", number_ordered);
if (bike == 'M' || bike == 'm')
price = number_ordered * m;
price = number_ordered * s;
if (risky == 'Y' || risky == 'y')
printf("\nBy Freight, COD %d\n", price);
printf("\nBy Freight, And Bill The Customer %d\n", price);
return 0;