Which XX-XX-XX is default value
And YYYY is the incrementing hexa decimal value
现在要根据十六进制值创建序列号,我需要将 6 添加到最后生成的十六进制值
MIN: 2D41 + 6 = 2D47
2D47 + 6 ... and so on
MAX: 4100 generation of serial will stop when I meet the MAX value.
我已经在 c# 中创建了它,但我需要在 SQL 上进行
int num1 = int.Parse("2D41", NumberStyles.HexNumber); //Convert hex to int
int result = num1 + 6; //Add + 6 for increment
string myHex = result.ToString("X"); //Convert result to hex
MessageBox.Show(myHex); // result 2D47
这如何在 T-SQL 中完成?