自 iOS6 发布以来,我的 web 应用程序遇到了一系列错误,其中最糟糕的是我几乎 100% 肯定的问题是 websql 事务正在排队。当我第一次在移动 safari(ipad)中加载应用程序时,交易工作正常。然后,如果我关闭 safari 并再次打开它,事务似乎已排队并且永远不会执行。

如果我打开开发工具并运行一个简单alert的,方法将触发,如果我只是点击重新加载事务也可以正常工作,或者如果我将 db 事务的运行延迟 1 秒或者它也可以正常工作。

我不想运行 setTimeout 来运行事务。

这是 Safari 现在实施后的缓存问题吗?




2 回答 2


它可能不是错误。您可能会不必要地使用一系列事务。您可以在每个事务中使用多个请求。 onsuccess回调,您可以重用事务。它应该工作。同时,限制每个事务的请求数。setTimeout永远不需要。


* @param {goog.async.Deferred} df
* @param {string} store_name table name.
* @param {!Array.<!Object>} objects object to put.
 * @param {!Array.<(Array|string|number)>=} opt_keys
ydn.db.req.WebSql.prototype.putObjects = function (df, store_name, objects, opt_keys) {

  var table = this.schema.getStore(store_name);
  if (!table) {
    throw new ydn.db.NotFoundError(store_name);

  var me = this;
  var result_keys = [];
  var result_count = 0;

   * Put and item at i. This ydn.db.core.Storage will invoke callback to df if all objects
   * have been put, otherwise recursive call to itself at next i+1 item.
   * @param {number} i
   * @param {SQLTransaction} tx
  var put = function (i, tx) {

    // todo: handle undefined or null object

    var out;
    if (goog.isDef(opt_keys)) {
      out = table.getIndexedValues(objects[i], opt_keys[i]);
    } else {
      out = table.getIndexedValues(objects[i]);
    //console.log([obj, JSON.stringify(obj)]);

    var sql = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ' + table.getQuotedName() +
        ' (' + out.columns.join(', ') + ') ' +
        'VALUES (' + out.slots.join(', ') + ');';

     * @param {SQLTransaction} transaction transaction.
     * @param {SQLResultSet} results results.
    var success_callback = function (transaction, results) {
      result_keys[i] = goog.isDef(out.key) ? out.key : results.insertId;
      if (result_count == objects.length) {
      } else {
        var next = i + ydn.db.req.WebSql.RW_REQ_PER_TX;
        if (next < objects.length) {
          put(next, transaction);

     * @param {SQLTransaction} tr transaction.
     * @param {SQLError} error error.
    var error_callback = function (tr, error) {
      if (ydn.db.req.WebSql.DEBUG) {
        window.console.log([sql, out, tr, error]);
      return true; // roll back

    //console.log([sql, out.values]);
    tx.executeSql(sql, out.values, success_callback, error_callback);

  if (objects.length > 0) {
    // send parallel requests
    for (var i = 0; i < ydn.db.req.WebSql.RW_REQ_PER_TX && i < objects.length; i++) {
      put(i, this.getTx());
  } else {

关于事务队列,为了健壮性,最好由应用程序处理而不是由 SQLite 处理。基本上我们可以complete在开始新交易之前观察交易事件。只要它们受到控制,运行多个事务也可以。失控将在循环下打开交易。一般来说,我只会打开几笔交易。


 * Create a new isolated transaction. After creating a transaction, use
 * {@link #getTx} to received an active transaction. If transaction is not
 * active, it return null. In this case a new transaction must re-create.
 * @export
 * @param {Function} trFn function that invoke in the transaction.
 * @param {!Array.<string>} store_names list of keys or
 * store name involved in the transaction.
 * @param {ydn.db.TransactionMode=} opt_mode mode, default to 'readonly'.
 * @param {function(ydn.db.TransactionEventTypes, *)=} oncompleted
 * @param {...} opt_args
 * @override
ydn.db.tr.TxStorage.prototype.transaction = function (trFn, store_names, opt_mode, oncompleted, opt_args) {

  //console.log('tr starting ' + trFn.name);
  var scope_name = trFn.name || '';

  var names = store_names;
  if (goog.isString(store_names)) {
    names = [store_names];
  } else if (!goog.isArray(store_names) ||
    (store_names.length > 0 && !goog.isString(store_names[0]))) {
    throw new ydn.error.ArgumentException("storeNames");
  var mode = goog.isDef(opt_mode) ? opt_mode : ydn.db.TransactionMode.READ_ONLY;
  var outFn = trFn;
  if (arguments.length > 4) { // handle optional parameters
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 4);
    outFn = function () {
      // Prepend the bound arguments to the current arguments.
      var newArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
       //newArgs.unshift.apply(newArgs, args); // pre-apply
      newArgs = newArgs.concat(args); // post-apply
      return trFn.apply(this, newArgs);
  outFn.name = scope_name;

  var me = this;

  if (this.mu_tx_.isActive()) {
    //console.log(this + ' active')
    this.pushTxQueue(outFn, store_names, mode, oncompleted);
  } else {
    //console.log(this + ' not active')
    var transaction_process = function (tx) {

      me.mu_tx_.up(tx, scope_name);

      // now execute transaction process

      me.mu_tx_.out(); // flag transaction callback scope is over.
      // transaction is still active and use in followup request handlers

    var completed_handler = function (type, event) {
      me.mu_tx_.down(type, event);
       * @preserve_try
      try {
        if (goog.isFunction(oncompleted)) {
          oncompleted(type, event);
      } catch (e) {
        // swallow error. document it publicly.
        // this is necessary to continue transaction queue
        if (goog.DEBUG) {
          throw e;
      } finally {

    if (ydn.db.tr.TxStorage.DEBUG) {
      window.console.log(this + ' transaction ' + mode + ' open for ' + JSON.stringify(names) + ' in ' + scope_name);
    this.storage_.newTransaction(transaction_process, names, mode, completed_handler);

于 2012-09-27T02:47:47.120 回答

事实证明,在 websql 之前初始化 Facebook 会导致问题。注释掉 FB 后,应用程序运行正常,这也是 setTimeout 解决问题的原因;fb api 准备好了。我不知道执行线程是如何被阻塞的。

所以,对于任何使用 FB 然后尝试执行 websql 事务的人......延迟 FB!

虽然,websql 在 safari 负载上运行仍然有点慢......

于 2012-09-27T19:07:43.330 回答