int do_command(char **args){
// In the end, this function should take an array of args
// and separate them into UNIX commands that lie before and after
// pipes that are entered and put them into an array called
// arrayOfCommands.
// For example, if the char array args comes in
// with {"ls", "-1", "|", "wc"}, there would be two commands
// which would be "ls -l" and "wc"
// The following number is in my real program,
// but using the contents of args above, there will be two
// commands ("ls -l" and "wc" separated by a pipe)
// The number is found dynamically by looking for the number
// of pipes earlier (in our examples so far, just one) and
// simply adding one since there has to be a command on either
// side of the pipe or an error is thrown.
const int commands = 2;
// I want to create an array that is 2 wide (int commands)
// and 5 tall (just a constant number because I don't know
// how many flags a user will enter after each UNIX command
// 0 1
// 0[][]
// 1[][]
// 2[][]
// 3[][]
// 4[][]
// Each column holds a UNIX command (Ex: "ls -s")
// In this example, "ls" would be stored in arrayOfCommands[0][0];
// And "-l" would be stored in arrayOfCommands[0][1];
// If there are more than one command (Ex: "ls -s | wc")
// They would be stored like this:
// "ls" in arrayOfCommands[0][0];
// "-l" in arrayOfCommands[0][1];
// "wc" in arrayOfCommands[1][0];
char arrayOfCommands[commands][5]; //!!! (Declaration)
//counts which column in arrayOfCommands we are on
int commandNum = 0;
//Counts which part of a command we are on
int count = 0;
//Array Counters
int i = 0;
int j;
//Go through args until we reach the end
while (args[i] != NULL){
//if we find something that's not a pipe...
if(strcmp(args[i], "|")){
//put it into the array of commands
arrayOfCommands[commandNum][count] = args[i]; \\!!! (Copying)
//otherwise if we find a pipe...
else if (!strcmp(args[i], "|")) {
//we know we are done with that command
count = 0;
//Looking at the next value in args
//Print the new arrayOfCommands
int col=0;
int row=0;
for (col=0;col<commands;col++){
printf("Command #%d: ",col);
for (row=0;row<10;row++){
printf("%c ",arrayOfCommands[col][row]); \\!!! (Printing)
我已经疯狂地评论了代码,以帮助每个人理解我的代码。为了进一步解释,我正在用 C 创建一个 UNIX Shell。我的程序以用户输入的形式接收 UNIX 命令,并将它们放入一个名为“args”的数组中,用空格分隔。
我认为我的编码部分有些正确,但是当我尝试打印 arrayOfCommands 时,我得到如下信息:
命令 0:% # !##$
命令 1:* ^@ @!
我放了“//!!!” 在我认为导致问题的线后面。