我一直在尝试将此脚本改编为 vimeo,但没有任何结果。我不想使用插件,只是一个脚本来添加仅适用于 Vimeo 和 Youtube 的 functions.php。
$hash = unserialize(file_get_contents('http://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/'. $vimeo_id .'.php'));
echo $hash[0]['thumbnail_large'];}
function set_vimeo_as_featured_image($post_id) {
// only want to do this if the post has no thumbnail
if(!has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) {
// find the vimeo url
$post_array = get_post($post_id, ARRAY_A);
$content = $post_array['post_content'];
$vimeo_id = get_vimeo_id($content);
// build the thumbnail strings
$vimeo_thumb_url = '';
// next, download the URL of the vimeo image
media_sideload_image($vimeo_thumb_url, $post_id, 'Sample vimeo image.');
// find the most recent attachment for the given post
$attachments = get_posts(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'numberposts' => 1,
'order' => 'ASC',
'post_parent' => $post_id
$attachment = $attachments[0];
// and set it as the post thumbnail
set_post_thumbnail( $post_id, $attachment->ID );
} // end if
} // set_vimeo_as_featured_image
add_action('save_post', 'set_vimeo_as_featured_image');
function get_vimeo_id($content) {
// find the vimeo-based URL in the post
$urls = array();
preg_match('#http://(?:\w+.)?vimeo.com/(?:video/|moogaloop\.swf\?clip_id=)(\w+)#i', $content, $urls);
// next, locate the vimeo video id
$vimeo_id = '';
if(strlen(trim($vimeo_url)) > 0) {
parse_str( parse_url( $vimeo_url, PHP_URL_QUERY ) );
$vimeo_id = $v;
} // end if
return $vimeo_id;
} // end get_vimeo_id