不知何故,我无法触发 onerror 事件或让 onerror 中的代码工作。此代码尝试在数组中收集一系列图像。我正在使用 onerror 事件来标记序列的结束,从而终止循环。
//definition of Slide object
function Slide(inpImage, imgCaption) {
this.inpImage = inpImage;
this.imgCaption = imgCaption;
window.onload = function() {
var defaultImage = img_slide.src; //This is a default file
//basically getting the file path and name of next image in the sequence
var nextImage = f_nextFile(f_path(img_slide.src),f_serial(img_slide.src));
//An array object which stores Slide Objects
arr_slides.push(new Slide(img_slide,img_slide.src));
while (defaultImage != nextImage){ //code to populate arr_slides array
var imgObj = new Image();
imgObj.src = nextImage;
arr_slides.push(new Slide(imgObj,nextImage));
//get the next image in the sequence of images
nextImage = f_nextFile(f_path(nextImage),f_serial(nextImage));
testImage = function(nextImage,defaultImage){
var tester=new Image();
tester.onerror = function () {
nextImage = defaultImage;
tester.onload = function () {
//do nothing
var loadNext = function() {
alert("The number of images in array : " + arr_slides.length);