我有多个要转换为 csv 文件的 .xls 文件,并且已经找到了这个 JavaScript:
jPaq - A fully customizable JavaScript/JScript library
Copyright (c) 2011 Christopher West
Licensed under the MIT license.
Revised: April 6, 2011
(function(){jPaq={toString:function(){return"jPaq - A fully customizable JavaScript/JScript library created by Christopher West."}};var e=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");alert=function(a,b,c,d){a==null&&(a="");if(!b)b=WScript.ScriptName;c==null&&(c=alert.OKOnly+alert.Exclamation);d==null&&(d=0);return e.Popup(a,d,b,c)};alert.OKOnly=0;alert.OKCancel=1;alert.AbortRetryIgnore=2;alert.YesNoCancel=3;alert.YesNo=4;alert.RetryCancel=5;alert.Critical=16;alert.Question=32;alert.Exclamation=48;alert.Information=
/***** END OF JPAQ *****/
try {
// Create an instance of Excel, but don't allow the content
// area to be repainted.
var xlCSV = 6;
var xlApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
xlApp.Visible = true;
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = false;
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
// Initialize the counts.
var fileCount = 0, csvCount = 0;
// Regular expression for match Excel files to be converted.
var re = /([^\\\/]+)\.xlsx?$/i;
// Reference the containing folder.
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var fldr = fso.GetFolder(WScript.ScriptFullName.replace(/[\\\/][^\\\/]+$/, ""));
// Determine whether or not linefeed characters should be removed.
var msg = "Would you like to remove linefeed characters from all cells?";
var title = "Remove Linefeed Characters";
var removeLf = alert.Yes == alert(msg, title, alert.YesNo + alert.Question);
// Loop through all of the xls and xlsx files in this folder.
for(var e = new Enumerator(fldr.Files); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
var aFile = e.item();
if(re.test(aFile.Name)) {
xlApp.StatusBar = "Processing " + aFile.Path + "...";
// Open the workbook.
var wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(aFile.Path);
// Save each worksheet as a CSV file.
for(var e2 = new Enumerator(wb.Sheets); !e2.atEnd(); e2.moveNext()) {
var ws = e2.item();
if(removeLf) {
ws.UsedRange.Replace("\n", "");
var csvPath = aFile.Path.replace(re, function($0, $1) {
return $1 + "-" + ws.Name + ".csv";
ws.SaveAs(csvPath, xlCSV);
csvCount++; // Increment the number of CSV's.
// Close the workbook.
// Increment the number of files.
// Allow alerts to be displayed, and the screen to be updated again.
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = true;
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = true;
// Close Excel.
var msg = "The results are as follows:\nFiles converted: "
+ fileCount + "\nCSV's created: " + csvCount;
var title = "Conversion Process Complete";
alert(msg, title, alert.Information);
catch(e) {
// If the Excel workbook is open, close it.
try{ wb.Close(false); }catch(e2){}
// If Excel is open, change the settings back to normal and close it.
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = true;
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = true;
} catch(e2){}
// Print the error message.
var msg = "The following error caused this script to fail:\n"
+ e.message;
var title = "Critical Error Occurred";
alert(msg, title, alert.Critical);
但是,此代码使用逗号分隔保存文件,而不是使用分号。看起来,我必须用我的本地设置保存文件(当我通过 Excel 手动保存它们时,它们用分号保存)而且我不知道如何......
ws.SaveAs(csvPath, xlCSV);