Having made my configure.ac and Makefile.am files, I see myself having to perform autoreconfs so autoconf will not complain about undefined macros such as AC_INIT_AUTOMAKE. This fills my directory with files like aclocal.m4, Makefile.in, install-sh, confdefs.h, depcomp, autom4te.cache, and a .deps directory.

Having read the documentation I just cannot get what are the minimum number of these files to be shipped with my source code, that are platform independant. Either the documentation is not clear enough, they expect me to read much more or it is me that I don’t have enough time. I am sort of in a rush.

What are these files and what are the tasks that the compiler person, in their system, must perform?


1 回答 1


对于只想编译和安装项目 dist 目标系列创建 tarball 的人来说,这些文件就足够了。对于想要参与您的项目的人,我想您必须分发所有未生成的文件,因为这种用户应该已经安装了生成它们所需的所有开发工具

于 2012-09-26T17:30:37.697 回答