我目前有一个 VBscript,它可以扫描文件夹中的文件并根据文件名中的关键字将文件移动到特定文件夹。
编辑:自从编写此脚本以来,我意识到我只需要根据文件名将具有特定扩展名的文件从特定文件夹和子文件夹移动到其他目录。例如,我只需要移动 .mp4 和 .avi 文件。
' Script to Move Downloaded TV Shows and Movies to
' correct folders based on wildcards in File Name
On Error Resume Next
Dim sTorrents, sTV, sMovie, sFile, oFSO
' create the filesystem object
Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Create Log File
Set objLog = oFSO.OpenTextFile("c:\temp\log.txt", 8, True)
' Set Variables
sTorrents = "C:\Temp\torrents\"
sTV = "C:\Temp\TV Shows\"
sMovie = "C:\Temp\Movies\"
' Scan each file in the folder
For Each sFile In oFSO.GetFolder(sTorrents).Files
' check if the file name contains TV Show Parameters
If InStr(1, sFile.Name, "hdtv", 1) OR InStr(1, sFile.Name, "s0", 1) <> 0 Then
' TV Show Detected - Move File
objLog.WriteLine Now() & " - " & sFile.Name & " Detected as TV Show - Moving to " & sTV
oFSO.MoveFile sTorrents & sFile.Name, sTV & sFile.Name
' Move all other Files to Movies Directory
Else objLog.WriteLine Now() & " - " & sFile.Name & " Detected as Movie - Moving to " & sMovie
oFSO.MoveFile sTorrents & sFile.Name, sMovie & sFile.Name
End If
If sTorrents.File.Count = 0 And sTorrents.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then
objLog.WriteLine Now() & " - There is nothing left to Process..."
End If